Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [conj] [vb past] [pron] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But the boss used to give me some right stick and told me I was no good to him lying in bed or on the treatment table .
2 ‘ But the boss used to give me some right stick and told me I was no good to him lying in bed or on the treatment table .
3 Ben said that he 'd heard I 'd been having some problems and asked what they were .
4 A THEATRICAL lady doctor tripped up to me at a party in Covent Garden this week and told me she had phoned a film producer friend and asked how he was .
5 With a firm grip on my hand , she pulled me away from a display of hi-tech gadgets and told me I was not going to be a millionairess .
6 The students were being fed contradictory messages and did what they could to lead their lives in the best way possible , given deteriorating conditions and mounting ideological and political debates .
7 There was a power in him , a suppressed vigour that made everything he did one hundred per cent positive .
8 They gave us six piasters and told us it was advance pay for work on a rubber plantation not far away .
9 In the aft compartment they went through the routine exercise of listening to the remaining six missiles and found what they had expected , nothing .
10 I never witnessed a serious quarrel or observed anyone I would describe as angry .
11 We visited the kitchen , were lectured to diet , closed our eyes and expressed ourselves to ethnic music and discussed who we were .
12 Baffled , he scratched his greasy white hair and wondered what it could be and why it should have been stored in a beer keg .
13 Stephen looked at the insipid light-beige stain and said what he thought .
14 But from the soft laugh that followed her she had the ominous feeling that he was no more convinced by her protests than she was herself .
15 It was only the light from their own carriage lamps falling on the neglected driveway that told her they were approaching the house , and the salt smell that got stronger and stronger and seeped through the closed windows of the carriage .
16 He enthused : ‘ We gave a very disciplined display and did what we set out to do — win convincingly . ’
17 He enthused : ‘ We gave a very disciplined display and did what we set out to do , win convincingly .
18 On his return , he had given her a gold-coloured owl and told her he was in love with her .
19 The Editor was in a very reasonable mood and asked what I could suggest .
20 It was a ludicrous remark and deserved what it got .
21 A woman knelt down next to one of the stricken and bleeding girls and told her she got what she deserved ; another tried to prevent first-aid being given to the policeman and taunted his suffering .
22 Beneath the fabric of his borrowed shirt , her fingers trapped and twisted his skin in a burning pinch that told him she intended to deal with him later .
23 We have considered alternative definitions of a legal problem and indicated what we consider to be the best working definition to adopt , but this discussion will remain largely academic ( save in estimating the extent of unmet legal need ) unless there is some effective way of ensuring that those who have legal problems , however defined , secure legal assistance .
24 Susan bent forward slightly for a better view and saw what it was .
25 How the poor fellow finally got his report together I do not know but I doubt that even he did n't realise that he was dealing with a supernatural force that did what it liked when it liked .
26 And his mother gave me an apologetic smile and said something I did n't catch as she hurried after husband and son .
27 He smiled again , a sad , lonely smile that told her he was still not hers .
28 Abbey National considered using IV , but decided to move to compact discs : ‘ The problem was that we could n't find an IV system that did everything we wanted , ’ explains Julian Wakeley , manager for distance learning at Abbey National , ‘ also , we did n't need full motion video . ’
29 " I sorry , " he said once again , in a hopeless voice that told me I had n't convinced him .
30 I wish I 'd not had to lie to my poor Norman , but he did n't question my story about a long-lost godchild and assured me he had no need of my money .
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