Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [conj] [adj] at the " in BNC.

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1 Since her one-year Fellowship as artist-in-residence at the Liverpool Tate Gallery , in 1990 , Godfrey-Isaacs work has focussed on the body ; exploring the minutiae of tissue and fissure , she writes her findings large in uncompromising , heavily worked , and brightly coloured canvases .
2 When I saw my friend Bob Hope in some comedy or other at the age of six I provided him with an imaginary wife , who was called ‘ Nothing ’ .
3 This argument managed to suggest that female and male psychologists hold principles of scientific neutrality in common , and that the BPS recognizes female and male psychologists as equal at the highest level ; but also that women psychologists are different : specially suited to judge other women .
4 If there is a school play try to appropriate as many costumes as possible at the end of it .
5 The business of the media department is to ensure , within the financial restraints imposed , that the client 's advertising is seen by as many of the right people as possible at the right time .
6 ‘ No , I have a little flat of my own , although I have been spending more time than usual at the villa since the kidnapping .
7 To prevent them rolling off into the water , the eggs are cuneiform , or wedge-shaped : narrow at one end and broad at the other .
8 Investigators were concerned about the exclusion of the normal world and shocked at the preoccupation with aberrant behaviour , but what frightened them most was the failure of the movies to fulfil a clear moral role .
9 Having started the day keen for a new look but reticent at the same time , Pamela was overwhelmed by the dramatic changes to her appearance .
10 However , a UCW spokesman said many postal workers felt confused at recent changes and angry at the letter .
11 Aside from the fact that he does n't actually discuss it in any detail , there is little more than a disappointed huffing and puffing at the exhaustion of the avant-garde 's shock value ( backed up by a particularly crass quotation from Peter Bürger about Duchamp 's readymades ) and some utterly routine panting over the outlandish prices being currently paid for Van Goghs — plus a quotation from a sub-Warholian Manhattan ‘ artist ’ answering an art magazine questionnaire with a few smart remarks about business and producing art for the market .
12 They may also require secretarial services if available at the hotel , and a direct dialling telephone .
13 Unknown to the man who won more downhills than any other racer in history , the local ski patrol spent most of the night clearing snow by hand from the third tee and green at the local golf course in Copper Creek , the highest 18-hole golf course in North America , so that he could play golf on his birthday .
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