Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [pron] have only [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I was cold and hungry — in eight hours I had only had three tangerines — and I throbbed from toes to groin .
2 For the last few years they had only discussed their respective businesses and he had listened to his father 's bitter complaints about hunt saboteurs .
3 They meet Wimbledon this weekend who 've only lost once at home this season .
4 Principal environmental officer , Bernard Cribbs : ‘ We used to get lots complaints about dog packs but this year we have only had about two which shows how effective the scheme has been . ’
5 Have n't got much change I 've only got another pound .
6 It might have been transported from the South of France , one of those lush semi-palaces I had only seen in photos .
7 One of the funny things that did er talking about the kettle though is that er er the number of times on full removals where You know with my re little removals you 've only got ten foot front to back , but some of these vans are huge , there 's there 's there 's twenty to thirty foot of van virtually to front .
8 I think I did see him die , with the look of utter peace I had only read of previously .
9 This way where good job we 've only got as minute .
10 But then I had one of my rare good ideas : why not try ringing up those breeders who had only advertised at the beginning of the breeding season , about six months before ?
11 So , explain why in the previous 6 games we had only won 1 .
12 During that journey I had only travelled among the Adoimara , and at Bilen they had given me alarming accounts of the ferocity of the Asaimara in Bahdu .
13 In the first place he had only approached Rufus because Rufus had a car .
14 So what it means is if you buy privately instead of having three statutory rights you 've only got one .
15 And in this particular county one has only got to look to Ryedale who s I so far as I know is the only authority to have carried out a comprehensive survey of local housing needs .
16 any way I 've only got enough for about two
17 So that literally means if it 's telling you right , you 're ten to one your ratio of calls , and you earn from every appointment two hundred pounds you 've only got to make twenty calls and you 'll earn four hundred pounds .
18 Because now after one hundred metres you 've got two posts after two hundred metres you 've got three posts , after three hundred metres you got four posts , after four hundred metres you 've got five posts but after you 've five hundred metres you 've only got five posts cos that one doubles up .
19 He also replaced Leonid Kravchenko as Chairman of the USSR Broadcasting Company by RSFSR press minister Mikhail Poltoranin , temporarily banned newspapers which had only printed SCSE decrees , dismissed the chairmen of Tass and Novosti , and replaced Samsonov as commander of Leningrad military district by Rear-Adml .
20 He had n't been thinking anything of the sort and last night he had only suggested he could settle her business for her with a phone call to the manager , whom he knew well , because he wanted to take her out today instead of waiting outside hotels for her .
21 You lost a fair amount of weight to begin with but in the last week you have only dropped 1 lb ( 0.4 kg ) and you are disappointed with progress .
22 By next morning I 'd only got as far as realising that I had to talk you round . ’
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