Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [pron] [verb] not [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Even before that I had put on some weight which did n't all drain away during my illness .
2 In some respects there seems not much room for argument about our conception of standard effects and their causal circumstances .
3 About a year later one of the boys met an old lady who lived not far from the pond and they were discussing the strange happenings when the lady said , ‘ I can tell you a bit about it , ’ and she then proceeded to tell them about the crazy motorcyclist .
4 Both flashbulb and vivid memories can be inaccurate and do show some forgetting over time ( McCloskey et al. , 1988 ) and there certainly are memories of this type which do not necessary involve emotional arousal at the time .
5 How have I seen the casual passer through the Cloisters stand still , intranced with admiration ( while he weighed the disproportion between the speech and the garb of the young Mirandula ) , to hear thee unfold , in thy deep and sweet intonations , the mysteries of Jamblichus , or Plotinus ( for even in those years thou waxedst not pale at such philosophic draughts ) , or reciting Homer in his Greek , or Pindar — while the walls of the old Grey Friars re-echoed to the accents of the inspired charity-boy !
6 Yeah , bloody hell they have n't half sold some ai n't they ?
7 Now I do n't know if you remember English Whites but Danny Baker once had a caller to 606 who claimed to have been setup for a blind date a few years ago , and when he met the girl in question , one of his mates says ‘ Bloody hell she does n't half look like that player ( Kenny ) who 's in the Blues ’ ( Brum City where he built his stout reputation ) .
8 We can not all , as it already been emphasised by the last speaker we may not all be able to do the same things we have not all got the same gifts or the same responsibilities er within the church but you all have the same responsibilities in this light of God .
9 In other words while the public may have all watched the same news they did n't all see it in the same way .
10 Yes , stool making , you know I 've got a stool here , I made that stool over there ages ago for me daughter-in-law and this one I can not get it right I 've , I 've , it 's , it 's , I 'm trying I 've got to undo it again there , it 's not right , I think it is because the cord 's too thick , it 's a very thick cord and I 've not got enough stitches you know not enough strands on it , but I 'm gon na do it , it 'll be done before Christmas I 've got to do it otherwise
11 At four hundred feet he had n't enough altitude from which he could recover if he went into a spin .
12 But if you think this is bloody " — and he laughed his hacking tubercular laugh " our ancestors would n't think of going to sea in a new prahu which had n't first been rolled into the water over the living bodies of seven women in their first pregnancy !
13 By that time it needed not ten thousand spent on it , but forty .
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