Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] been [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 While most political prisoners have been involved iii trade union or political work , there are also cases of people who have boon picked up on suspicion and who have had no history of participation in any organization .
2 Under the scheme , each branch has been set two targets in the current quarter .
3 Under an indemnity , a person is liable on a pound for pound basis for any loss , whether or not the purchase price would actually have been reduced if that liability had been discovered prior to contract .
4 The 12 staff employed in European offices have been made redundant .
5 The twelve staff employed in European offices have been made redundant .
6 Whilst some progress had been made complete free movement of capital can not be said to have been achieved by the time of the SEA .
7 Moreover , British and French cavalry had been stationed close behind the Allied line , with the object of quickly exploiting a breakthrough .
8 This function has been called many times under many conditions , and with a variety of subjects .
9 British Rail had been made aware of the danger of drivers going through red lights , a possible cause of the Newton disaster , as far back as 1951 , the inquiry was told .
10 All the surrendering Germans in this instance had been shot dead by the Commandos .
11 The extensive literature on the complex issue of social support has been reviewed many times .
12 This lacuna has been made worse by the ILO 's lack of jurisdiction to examine South African labour legislation since South Africa resigned from the Organisation in 1964 .
13 The funds available for child protection were continued into 1990/91 and further money has been made available for training in relation to the new Children Act .
14 This deformity has been termed cranial settling , superior migration of the odontoid , or atlantoaxial impaction and is seen almost exclusively in association with atlantoaxial subluxation .
15 So and this doorway has been inserted that close to the corner of the window .
16 These anomalous crustal fragments have been given various names-suspect terrane , allochthonous terrane-but we will use the term displaced terrane ( Note that in this book the spelling ‘ terrane ’ is used to refer to structural units whereas ‘ terrain' is applied in a topographic sense . )
17 Apart from being broadcast on Belgian television , this interview has been shown several times to the mainly student audience of the association , but the text has never been published .
18 So Louise got quite a shock when , flicking through the local paper she saw that ANOTHER girl had been crowned carnival queen .
19 However , this tactic has been abandoned due to improved police surveillance and the greater likelihood of being caught .
20 Now I do n't believe that this issue has been aired wide enough it 's understood by a lot of people what the problems are going to be these problems are n't gon na occur in the next ten years , they will happen in twenty years ' time .
21 Country and suburban stations have been closed wholesale and even those still surviving are often covered in graffiti , wrecked and vandalized beyond recognition .
22 A German tourist has been shot dead by a lone gunman in an attempted robbery in Scotland , his wife and daughter are seriously injured .
23 The small voluntary TRANSAID team has been strengthened this year by the addition of Eric Schumacher , formerly a senior manager with I.C.I. Eric brings with him extensive general management and transport experience , which is already proving to be valuable .
24 However , even this process has been made uncompetitive by a method developed by Monsanto in the US .
25 Old Eddy had been wiped clean .
26 As the result of years of breeding and cross-breeding specialised varieties have been attained specific to both size and colour .
27 Once this point has been reached increased production will make no further contribution to profits .
28 British banks have been granted some £2,250 million in tax relief on bad loans to developing countries , according to official figures .
29 This recovery has been made necessary because , as we have seen , the rhetorical and historical use of anthropology got so disastrously mixed up in the work of the founders and produced a false picture of the idyllic classless community which was later termed primitive communism and then got further confused with the type of society the Marxists were trying to construct in the future .
30 News that the Islands ' social workers had been given professional stress therapy astounded the families and their support organisation .
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