Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The powerful running of the big front man had been a constant threat to Andover all afternoon and they just had no answer as he finally surged through shrugging off vain attempts to check him before delivering the perfect finish .
2 The interim parliament condemned him for acting contrary to the peace process , and for a gross violation of basic human rights ; Johnson had given an undertaking to Sawyer that he would desist from carrying out executions , after previous killings of rebels and civilians .
3 One small technical trick to aid you in keeping the police at bay , I add , is for your corpse to be supposed to be the result of an accident , often seeming such to everybody but your incurably inquisitive heroine .
4 This finding warns us against concluding that women get into heroin and sustain regular use solely because of male associations and partnerships .
5 Will the Prime Minister take this opportunity to join me in expressing joy at the release of Terry Waite and Tom Sutherland from their long and terrible captivity ?
6 We have also had support from our colleagues in Brussels ( see article on page 21 of this issue ) and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for taking the lead and to appeal to Johnson Matthey sites around the world to take up the challenge .
7 Such a peculiar coincidence startles me into remembering that I have something to write for Esquire .
8 But just as he had used her agoraphobia as a defence against having to know about his need to find her safely where he had left her , so too did her lack of sexual response defend him from knowing about his need to keep her under his control .
9 ‘ If this is some trick to manoeuvre me into allowing anything to develop there … ’ he threatened .
10 Some deputies accused it of giving away too many powers to the regions .
11 Some people allow this fear to block them from forming close relationships of any kind ; while others face the challenge of deep intimacy despite their fears .
12 In summary , the sociological perspective outlined earlier in this chapter orientates us towards examining the social construction of ideas about child abuse .
13 None of the French journalists embarrassed him by pointing out that this first ‘ petit saison ’ of the Opera — and even the next season — fall far short of the target for the Opera de la Bastille , which is 250 performances a year .
14 I want to take the initiative a step further , which is why I am now appealing for other British companies to join us in providing this help for our troops .
15 Not to thank you , I mean — and Rose — oh , dear … ’ and her face crumpled , but the steely resolution which lay beneath her outward charm prevented her from giving way to the hysterics which she knew would take her over if she allowed herself to show any weakness .
16 After teaching himself to juggle , the 27-year-old is now advertising for fellow Big Top devotees to join him in starting up a little troupe .
17 It may be that learners have internalized aspects of the system which for one reason or another they can not access on particular occasions , that circumstances of different kinds prevent them from acting on this knowledge .
18 The only message some of them had had time to give their children as the social workers took them to waiting cars was ‘ have faith , be strong , we 'll do what we can ’ .
19 Will my right hon. Friend join me in sending congratulations to a Yorkshire manufacturing company , Spring Ram plc , which at the end of the month will open two new factories in my constituency , creating 400 new jobs , which is at present building two new factories in Barnsley which will create 400 new jobs , and which has a plan to create 1,100 new jobs in Bradford over the next four years ?
20 Will my right hon. Friend join me in sending condolences to the bereaved family and wishing those who are injured a speedy recovery ?
21 On the eve of the first anniversary of the Gulf war , will my right hon. Friend join me in expressing our gratitude to our armed forces , our commitment to the independence of Kuwait and our determination to ensure that Saddam Hussein and his generals comply with all international sanctions or suffer the consequences ?
22 Will my right hon. Friend join me in welcoming the £24 billion programme for public housing over the next three years detailed by the Department of the Environment yesterday ?
23 Mr. Raffan : Will my right Hon. Friend join me in congratulating the miners at Point of Air in my constituency for their dramatically increased productivity since the miners ' strike ?
24 Will my right hon. Friend join me in congratulating the chairman , trustees and staff of the Aintree national health service hospital trust on the establishment of a new £7 million project that will give it the largest accident and emergency unit in Europe ?
25 Will my right hon. Friend join me in congratulating the Secretary of State for Education and Science on devising tests for seven-year-olds which go back to the basics of reading , writing and arithmetic ?
26 Will my right hon. Friend join me in congratulating the courageous efforts of the European Community observers in Croatia ?
27 Will my right hon. Friend join me in congratulating the Prime Minister on his initiative yesterday with President Mitterrand on the Soviet Union ?
28 Will my right hon. Friend join me in congratulating Councillor Mrs. Lydia Simmons , the Labour chairman of the housing committee in Slough , on her appointment as a member of the board of the NHS trust for Wexham Park hospital in my constituency ?
29 Will my right hon. Friend join me in congratulating staff at the university of Kent and the two commercial pharmaceutical companies with whom the university is combining in a venture called ’ Viridian ’ , which is a programme of environmental biotechnology based entirely on bacteria that are naturally available ?
30 Will my right hon. Friend join me in congratulating Beloit Walmsley in my constituency on winning a £63 million contract in Russia and a £90 million contract in Iran ?
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