Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [noun] that [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 After the mighty publicity campaign that followed his victory at the Tchaikovsky International Piano and Violin Contest in Moscow in 1958 when he was 24 , Mr Cliburn toured for 20 years .
2 David Lawrence is putting his feet up … after the trials of test cricket in New Zealand … and after the shattering knee injury that dashed his hopes of playing in the World Cup .
3 Blind from infancy , he followed a well-established Dublin occupation that suited his disability and temperament , covering in his circuit an area from the river quays to the old city , where he lived with his wife and children .
4 That that metal man that spins his arms and throws lasers .
5 ‘ It 's an opportunity to keep my club commitment going and have a look at what the Wales set-up entails ’ , he said in one of the many television interviews that followed his appointment as Davies 's no. 2 .
6 He did n't look effeminate , even when you considered the plain gold ring that pierced his left earlobe .
7 The wind tugged at the banner-pole that carried his standard , outside at the turret , and made a dolorous creaking sound that accompanied his steps along the chilly corridor , and whined faintly in his ears even after he had closed the door and shut out the sound of the rain .
8 His eldest son had a mastoid operation ; there was a big building programme that needed his personal attention .
9 In Leitrim , David Thomson began twin love affairs that took his life along a particular direction — with Phoebe Kirkwood , his young charge ; and with Ireland , later the focus of many of his broadcasts .
10 Luke strode along beside her , hands pushed easily into the pockets of the leather jacket he was wearing over jeans and a blue knit shirt that made his skin look even more tanned , his hair richly black .
11 He was wearing light trousers today , and a light blue polo shirt that hugged his figure , revealing the muscles of his torso in precise detail .
12 Installed in a town house off the Rue St Honoré and accompanied everywhere in his armoured Mercedes by bodyguards armed with automatic weapons , he endeared himself to French society by throwing the kind of party that went out of style with Caligula while continuing to act as front man for the Syrian heroin cartel that underwrote his brother 's fanatical Alawist regime in Damascus .
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