Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] they [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 President Ayaz Mutalibov of the Soviet republic of Azerbaijan , who visited Iran on Aug. 16-18 , held talks with President Hashemi Ali Akbar Rafsanjani on Aug. 18 after which they signed a memorandum of understanding to improve bilateral relations .
2 The weavers valued them more highly , however , and responded with a fourteen-week strike during which they inserted a notice in the Ipswich Journal .
3 No , well the key point is the key point is that they they have to have a period during which they have a track record of running those separate businesses , so that bidders will know the basis on which their bidding , now if if the franchising director , it 's entirely his decision , decides that er he 's not getting competitive enough bids or good enough bids , then yes British Rail would carry on , and this was clear right from the outset , would carry on running that particular
4 First , in many cases the previous foreign owners of those companies which passed into local ownership , either private or state , were invited to continue as managers for which they received a management fee .
5 It also helps congregations understand why they are finding it so difficult to reach ‘ resistant areas ’ for which they feel a responsibility .
6 The debate is now largely ‘ old hat ’ in the sociology of education and there is a general consensus that schools do indeed impart values , but these are usually modified or developed versions of already existing dominant values of the society of which they form a part , including a number of parental values .
7 Their views on questions of human aggression and violence therefore assume major importance in the moral community of which they form a part .
8 But language and interpretation assume a structure of values of which they form a part .
9 It would certainly include : the physical lay-out of the houses we live in and of the settlements of which they form a part ; the general pattern of conventional procedures by which foodstuffs and other necessities of life are produced and distributed and finally consumed ; the way children are brought up ; the way tasks are allocated to different members of the household ; the ideas we have about the nature of reality and of the cosmos , our sense of what is the proper way to behave towards kin and neighbours and persons in authority ; the kinds of clothes and the styles of language which are appropriate to different occasions , etc .
10 Although non-restrictive adjectives are therefore not necessary to the entity-identification achieved by the phrase of which they form a part , there is no particular mystery about their appearance .
11 Other crustal fragments , while appearing to be of more local origin , have , none the less , experienced significant horizontal displacement and rotation with respect to the plate of which they form a part .
12 This charting of the circulating relations between aesthetic and other forms of production works best in those historical periods , such as the Renaissance , where there was no modern concept of Literature , thus allowing literary texts to be mapped against the political and other discourses of which they formed a part .
13 The beneficiaries thus regard themselves as having received no more than their due , to which they were entitled anyhow , while those whose benefits are discontinued regard themselves as cheated of what they had a right to and had been encouraged to expect .
14 And we the used to pick on a on some sort of a nice looking little boy or little girl to say the collection piece that was appealing and I ca n't remember what it was now but er probably about four verses of what they called a collection piece , just before they started to collect you see and erm I think I said that three or four years erm running almost , so I must been pretty well good at it .
15 That 's right yes , yeah that bit that was just like what they call a swan neck , just like the swan and that was like that and so it kept me at load level , they were built by and some of the best cranes I 've ever known on the dock .
16 Meanwhile the campaigners say their protest against what they call a refugee prison will go on .
17 He and the others say they 'll fight on against what they call a crime against humanity :
18 Here we are talking about single genes cheating against the other genes with which they share a body .
19 And then the when they were built Sometimes some folk used to build them into what they called a hay soo It was a square kind of a thing but er and I do n't know why they put it into a hays hay soo as we say , but it seemed to er it seemed to be better to keep the h the wet out I suppose .
20 And since the larger concept of " genre " , within which they play a part , is also problematic , my discussion of the two terms will be prefaced by a more general discussion of " genre " .
21 Yadav and Pope ( 1992b ) considered the suggestion that , when the index is rising , market makers will run down their holdings of the shares in which they make a market , and when the index is falling they will increase their holding of such shares .
22 With the Maccabees we feel on the threshold of a new epoch , the end of tolerance and the beginning of persecution , and naturally we want to know both what brought about this change and how the protagonists saw the events in which they played a part .
23 Some people literally develop another life in which they display a side of themselves that would shock their pupils as much as their colleagues if they were to find out .
24 Two of these scholars , Edward Foxe and Thomas Cranmer , who were both members of Anne Boleyn 's faction at court , were responsible for drawing up a document called the Collectanea satis copiosa , in which they advanced a claim of imperial sovereignty for the English monarchy .
25 Suppose the pieces of the jigsaw start off in a box in the ordered arrangement in which they form a picture .
26 Poles had fought both for and against Germany , and , partly because their state had not been involved in the war , Poles were ready — unlike the other participants in the war — to fight again , this time for something in which they had a stake .
27 When they 're still children a mother or a whore gives them a piece of broken mirror in which they trap a ray of the sun and reflect it into one of the Palace windows .
28 The bishops apparently began with a meeting of their own in which they established a pact of peace and concord .
29 The idea that people operate ‘ strategies ’ in which they assess a range of options , and act to maximize their opportunities , has become an increasingly important insight in historical work on the family , and one which accords an active role to human beings in constructing their own lives , rather than seeing individuals at the mercy of large scale social forces ( Morgan , 1985 , p. 175 ) .
30 The last point means that individuals need only be given training in those areas in which they have a skill shortfall .
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