Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] he [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Key here was the influence of non-western cultural forms on Artaud — first the foregrounding of actors ' movements and the absence of props in Japanese theatre ; then his exposure to Cambodian dance in 1922 ; but most importantly the Balinese Dance Theatre which Artaud witnessed at the Colonial Exhibition in Paris in 1931 , after which he wrote a succession of now canonical theoretical essays on theatre .
2 Illness prevented him from sitting the honours examinations and he received an aegrotat in 1849 , after which he spent a year in Scotland reading for holy orders .
3 After which he became a branch official and er and er subsequently became a er a full-time area official .
4 Gaskell was actively involved with the firm until the 1870s , after which he remained a director until November 1890 , when it was absorbed into the United Alkali Co .
5 During the American War of Independence , beginning in 1775 , a certain General Percy of the British forces captured the town of Richmond , after which he named a slave whom he met there .
6 He attained the rank of acting WO II during his eight years ' service , after which he did a graduate trainee course with Anglo American/De Beers Mining in South Africa .
7 He qualified as an electronics engineer before going to teachers ' training college after which he obtained a degree in art history .
8 His fellow-curates found him liable to vast silences , during which he twisted a bit of cotton with the fingers of both hands .
9 A prolonged breather , during which he took a bar of chocolate out of his pocket and unwrapped it in a leisurely way .
10 Glover was apprenticed to a plumber at thirteen and followed that trade for fourteen years , during which he acquired a taste for study and an interest in science .
11 In a recent interview with the Los Angeles Business Journal , during which he showed a model of a six-seat design by Burt Rutan which is believed to be that currently in flight test at Mojave ( Pilot Notes , May ) , Togo commented : ‘ I 'd like to build such a futuristic plane .
12 He went to the court where he found himself dubbed the plaintiff , paid a fee and a deposit for which he received a receipt .
13 Mr Reynolds ' pre-operative assessment revealed no respiratory or circulatory problems apart from iron-deficiency anaemia , for which he received a blood transfusion .
14 Dexter let his eyes wander over the crates on the floor , brimming with files and books , and on to a dusty azalea on the window-sill for which he sensed a twinge of sadness .
15 After the great fire , he was appointed as one of the supervisors of the rebuilding of the City , for which he produced a plan himself which does not survive , and , together with Robert Hooke [ q.v. ] and John Oliver ( d .
16 He also needed the London underground , for which he had a love/dread relationship , and the London theatre , not of the new kind , but , when available , of the old music hall tradition and , when in season , the pantomime .
17 In spite of his asthma and short-sightedness , Hornung was a competent club cricketer , a game for which he had a passion ; he was proud of his membership of the MCC , to which he was elected in 1907 .
18 The farmer provides the building , labour , gas , electricity , bedding , etc. , for which he receives a management fee .
19 Where the holder of a bill has a lien on it arising either from contract or by implication of law , he is deemed to be a holder for value to the extent of the sum for which he has a lien .
20 He restored the crypt and the basilica , constructed a new elevated high altar , for which he provided a baldacchino and furnishings , and renewed the roof .
21 As for complaints that employers falsely claimed bad workmanship or embezzlement of materials to deduct fines from wages , even William Temple , an ardent polemicist for the clothiers in a dispute with the West Country weavers in 1727 , admitted knowing one clothier who stopped wages " in a most base and flagrant manner " , despite which he became a JP .
22 Noell also had Irish interests , for the better protection of which he became a member of the Irish Parliament ( from 1661 to his death ) .
23 He also exhibited with the Old Water Colour Society , of which he became a member in 1880 .
24 The Society of Arts , of which he became a member in 1760 , awarded him a premium in 1766 for importing American sturgeon — he informed Benjamin Franklin about a technique for making glue from it .
25 He studied at Jesus College , Cambridge , of which he became a Fellow .
26 Educated in Lancaster , Baxendale was from about 1805 in London with a wholesale linen-draper , agent for Bannister Hall , calico-printers of Preston , of which he became a partner in 1809 with Charles Swainson , his cousin through the Salisburys , borrowing his £4,000 entry capital from his family .
27 Bach classified these bacteria into seven different groups , from each of which he prepared a vaccine , and he was able to work out the temperaments associated with each group .
28 Their vision was of a functionally differentiated society in which ‘ the individual is now created by the social organism of which he forms a part ’ and in which a state , founded on democracy tempered by respect for the expert , is required to co-ordinate the social order .
29 Moran said the Rosary early , at the end of which he added a prayer for the girl 's safekeeping in the world she was about to enter .
30 In the 980s he had followers who took church lands , some of which he returned a decade later , blaming previous actions on bad influence during his youth .
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