Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] was [vb pp] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 For almost every railway line built by the different railway companies — permission for which was passed by the House in different eras — we laid down different procedures .
2 Ekeus also confirmed that the UN would reopen its investigation into Iraq 's biological weapons programme , the development of which was denied by the government in April [ see p. 38164 ] .
3 The original timber used was Oregon Pine , the inherent softness of which was aggravated by the wet conditions in which it lay .
4 By the end of the war numbers had increased to 458 , which included 60 in the recently re-housed Junior School , the success of which was indicated by the 136 candidates for the 28 vacancies at the previous Entrance Examination .
5 Following his visit to Du Pont , Sir Patrick was due to go on to Magherafelt , much of which was destroyed by a bomb explosion yesterday .
6 This welcome volume , edited as was Volume II by Sheriff Irvine Smith , completes the project of the Stair Society of publishing a selection of the Justiciary Cases 1624–50 , the inception of which was signalised by the publication in 1953 of the first volume under the editorship of Sheriff Stair A. Gillon .
7 Then , turning to his right , he came to a stretch of well-trimmed lawn that sloped down to the river , the far bank of which was policed by a row of severely pollarded willow trees .
8 Two black leather chesterfields faced each other across a low glass-topped table bearing a cylindrical flower vase of highly polished stainless steel surrounded by three slimmer and smaller cylinders of the same material , which , empty , could have been a rather large cruet set , but the true function of which was illustrated by the pure white candles , long and pointed , which emerged from their upper openings .
9 The expenses of this were known as coat-and-conduct money , part of which was reimbursed by the Crown but most of which was borne by the counties .
10 Kilvert , who in 1870 attended the funeral of a rich aunt in Worcester Cathedral , has described how the lead coffin , lined with white satin , was fitted into an outer coffin of dark oak , the lid of which was surmounted by a ‘ brass breastplate ’ .
11 The expenses of this were known as coat-and-conduct money , part of which was reimbursed by the Crown but most of which was borne by the counties .
12 This led into another thoroughfare , the far side of which was bordered by a high brick wall in which two iron gates were let , seemingly at the top of Spring Street , and giving entrance to a drive leading to a substantial red-brick house .
13 A comparison of the statements with the evidence of the two important witnesses reveals a small but not insignificant number of discrepancies , only one of which was disclosed by the Crown to the defence .
14 It was held in Chamberlain v IRC 25 TC 317 that where assets settled by X were invested in shares in a company controlled by the settlor , the whole of the capital of which was held by the trustees themselves , the income arising in the company did not arise from property comprised in the settlement within the meaning of TA 1988 , s672(1) .
15 On June 21 , 1989 , the US Justice Department filed criminal charges against the National Mortgage Bank of Greece ( 47 per cent of which was owned by the Bank of Greece ) for allegedly laundering $700,000,000 .
16 The hospital cost £2.5 million — a million of which was donated by an American-based drug company .
17 A significant change has taken place in the wording of the statement , on this particular issue , from the original nineteen ninety draft of which was produced by the working party of which I was convenor .
18 Included in the haul , much of which was dropped by the thief and later recovered by police , was a gold chain and a number of gold rings .
19 I hazarded various Stuartesque destinations like Florida , Bali , Crete and Western Turkey , each of which was greeted by a smug nod of negativity .
20 I should like to reply to more of what was said by the hon. Member for Sedgefield when he opened the debate .
21 Nevertheless , and notwithstanding the generally good quality of what was provided by the LEA , the actual scale of professional support remained inadequate to the task .
22 Well on the basis of what was told by the guy she went to see at who was the key account manager
23 At the Castello di Rivoli , Turin , which he headed from 1984 to 1990 , his very liberal interpretation of what was meant by a part time post made him unpopular .
24 The hon. Member for Wolverhampton , South-West contrasted that with what was done by the great reforming Government of 1945 , who put through the House a huge weight of measures .
25 Smith 's true interest , however , was mechanics , his natural talent in which was encouraged by the engineer W. E. Metford [ q.v . ] .
26 This citation was repeated before the Board , but with the very important addition of Attorney-General 's Reference ( No. 1 of 1990 ) [ 1992 ] 3 W.L.R. 9 , judgment in which was delivered by the Court of Appeal ( Criminal Division ) while the present appeal awaited a hearing .
27 It rapidly instituted one under the New Deal administrations of Franklin Roosevelt , however , despite the problems of Federal initiative in what was deemed by the Constitution to be an area of State responsibility , plus the challenges to the legality of much that was initially proposed and enacted .
28 In what was interpreted by the CIA and the Department of State as a post-missile crisis concession , the Soviet Union agreed to turn over control of all weapons systems within Cuba ( including surface-to-air installations which could be used to shoot down US overflights ) .
29 UK new cars sales plunged by nearly 26 per cent in February in what was described by a spokesman for the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders as ‘ the biggest month-on-month February drop I can remember . ’
30 In what was described by The Times of April 20 as " the worst crisis in relations between the two NATO allies " , 15 Turkish diplomats were withdrawn from the Turkish embassy in Bonn , West Germany , and eight West German diplomats were expelled from Ankara .
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