Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] have [adv] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Manpower shortages were acute in agriculture , textiles and coal-mining — the last of which had not performed well during the war mainly , though not entirely , as a result of a shortage of miners and an ageing labour force .
2 An extreme example of Western attitude towards animals is the so-called blood sports , most of which have now died out .
3 Even if Telecom could get planning permission for its Ballsbridge site ( although it is difficult to see anyone now wanting to get caught up in a possible planning scandal on top of what has already gone down ) the development costs are going to be huge .
4 Plus what had now turned out to be a ganglion .
5 In order to understand the effect that financial delegation is likely to have on schools , in terms of school management and the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom , it is helpful to look briefly at what has already happened elsewhere .
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