Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] [verb] on [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But after what went on in the first leg , I hope we get a referee who will be strong enough to stamp out any foul play .
2 Hockney has repaid the debt with numerous studies of Silver , two of which looked on among the gallery 's 100 Hockneys , ranging from a teenage pencil sketch to oils done last Christmas .
3 Life was not quite a state of nature or a question of the survival of the fittest , but in times of no food parcels the partition separating us from that state was unpleasantly thin and even at the best of times it was thin enough to be able to hear most of what went on on the other side .
4 But Steven had a b-i-g problem , because he had spent his whole life in Never Never , a land not best known for its grasp of real life , and his idea of what went on in the world outside was limited to the hazy notions he had picked up … from the movies .
5 My hon. Friend draws attention to the fact that there is considerable maladministration among Labour councils , as witness the discovery of what went on in the council of Brent when it was under Labour control .
6 The glass was a deep blue colour , opaque , so the outside world could see nothing of what went on inside the heavily guarded building .
7 One view is that insider research calls for the free-ranging exploration of what goes on in the classroom without the constraint of any preconceived theory .
8 At any one time , therefore , most of the many beliefs that constitute our knowledge of what goes on in the world are beliefs that we do n't know we have .
9 But in the end , higher education is a matter of what goes on in the mind of the individual ; it is essentially a personal affair .
10 If we say that such-and-such a group of words are the " subject " or that some other group of words are the " predicate " in a copular verb phrase , we are , by such observations , recognizing the speaker 's intention to construct expressions which will identify certain properties and entities , and to assign some of the former to one of the latter , so as to let an audience know what entities are under attention and which properties are claimed to hold for which entities ; we take this to be the essence of what goes on in the use and understanding of linguistic expression ( whatever the purpose to which individual acts of communication are directed ) .
11 The law is too rigid and recognises too little of what goes on in the housing estates and back alleys of industrial towns .
12 Ted , 51 — now trained in law and first aid — said : ‘ As a cleaner I 've had an insight into what goes on in the cells . ’
13 The first is his idea that language is not a thing apart from the rest of life , and related to it only via what goes on in the mind of the language-user .
14 When the Hon. Gentleman has seen all the details , he should compare them with what went on in the valleys when he was a Minister .
15 Its ability to do this depends upon what goes on within the system itself , i.e. who has power , who makes decisions , who implements decisions and so on .
16 The lyric is not generically debarred from standing out against the state , or from taking a generous interest in what goes on in the world .
17 They say that God intervenes directly in a supernatural sense in what goes on in the world .
18 Erm we 're not always privy to what goes on with the front bench , but yes we have established regular dialogue with Jack Straw and the environment team , in order that we make sure we are saying the same thing .
19 The origins are often to be found by watching and listening to what goes on in the Soccer Specials — the trains and coaches which fans hire to transport themselves to away games .
20 What these two exponents have in common is their deep concern for the education of children and their considerable reservations about what goes on in the name of education in our present institutions .
21 We therefore found it necessary to look again at the empirical evidence about what goes on in the nuclear family — Who has the power ?
22 We know far more about what goes on in the world , i.e. we have far more reliably formed true beliefs about it , than we do about our own beliefs about what goes on in the world : beliefs about honey , thistles , etc .
23 We know far more about what goes on in the world , i.e. we have far more reliably formed true beliefs about it , than we do about our own beliefs about what goes on in the world : beliefs about honey , thistles , etc .
24 The last year has taught me how little I really knew about what goes on behind the wrought-iron gates of Buckingham Palace and the red brick walls of Kensington Palace .
25 No , Maidstone had been right all along : Sandison knew nothing about what went on in the city .
26 If Jolly Sensible was a restaurant , everyone would be speculating about what went on in the basement .
27 Jolly Sensible was a restaurant , everyone would be speculating about what went on in the basement .
28 Captions on the screen can give brief information about what went on in the missing bits and how much time has elapsed .
29 ‘ All I do know is that when we were on the way here he was asking me a great many questions about what went on in the village .
30 ‘ They were concerned I would do something gruesome or speak critically about what went on in the ward . ’
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