Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [verb] for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There are improvements that can be made but that 's to be said for all animal husbandry systems , from pets , to guide dogs for the blind , and every other every other type of system .
2 There is much to be said for this explanation .
3 We 're in a mess and nothing is going to pull us out ; I am not a socialist ; I 'm not impressed by your little man in Rome ; I do n't like ultra-nationalists ( I 'm not one of those who 'd follow the general ) ; I think there is something to be said for constitutional monarchy but in France that cause is as dead as mutton ; I have not much faith in the League , nor in democracy as an up-to-date technique of government .
4 I think there 's a lot to be said for arranged marriages , actually . ’
5 The amount was to be fixed for one year .
6 Slote concedes that in determining how much of a stock should be retained , separate percentages may have to be fixed for different sections of the stock , such as fiction and non-fiction .
7 To be recognized for some achievement in life lifted Dad immensely ; before Eva he had begun to see himself as a failure and his life as a dismal thing .
8 It may therefore provide the incentive for the most thorough pre-purchase behaviour , and marketers hoping to supply such products may have to be prepared for extensive enquiry and investigation before they will manage to sell any of them .
9 If you 're using the region 's motorways tonight , you 're advised to be prepared for long delays as the Bank holiday traffic builds up .
10 ‘ If it 's any comfort , I 've never known all the beds to be full , but we have to be prepared for any eventuality .
11 And he tells how the SAS photograph the layout of every room in royal residences to be prepared for any kidnap or siege drama .
12 Students need to be prepared for these careers which involve direct interaction with other EC member states .
13 This means that in an ideal world a new mailing list has to be compiled for each story or piece of information you want to impart to the media .
14 We need to be monitoring for more data .
15 Determine the grades to be applied for revised posts that would assume responsibility for all financial and cost-control matters , for personnel , and for enhanced administrative support .
16 On Dec. 19 EC research ministers unanimously agreed on the technical standards to be applied for high definition television ( HDTV ) broadcasting within the EC .
17 The electoral law approved in October [ see pp. 37826-27 ] exceptionally allowed separate 5 per cent hurdles to be applied for this election in the two parts of the country .
18 Coun. Ray Flowers , chairman of the county highways sub-committee , also welcomed the pedestrianisation scheme , which is to be monitored for 18 months .
19 P11 — This is a weekly/monthly tax deduction card , one to be maintained for each employee .
20 Under the old rules England 's revised objective would have been 194 off 41 overs ( 41 × 4.72 ) , requiring a further 132 from 29 overs at 4.55 — not only less than 4.61 but having to be maintained for fewer overs .
21 You do n't expect players to be warned for excessive aggression at this level , but they were , and the first to be admonished was an old hand at listening to finger pointing lectures .
22 What is certain is that he carried the legend of a king or emperor waiting to be reborn for several centuries , just as the British King Arthur has done .
23 He could still recall the sense of dread that hung over him for days as he waited to be thrashed for that escapade .
24 Workstation back-ups by portable tape drive will be possible from late 1992 , and this should eliminate the need for large numbers of floppies to be kept for hard-disk back-ups .
25 Later it transpired that the INAO ( Institut National des Appellations d'Origine des vins et eaux -de-vie ) would accept this 10% as a stock régulateur , a reserve without appellation to be kept for possible classification should any future shortfall require it .
26 This wonderfully rich and moist fruit cake may be a little strong for many young children 's tastes , but it is a lovely alternative for an older child , for a special occasion such as Christmas , or when the cake needs to be kept for some time .
27 It is particularly important for covering fruit cakes and cakes with an uneven surface , as it provides a smooth area for the icing and prevents discoloration of the icing by the cake if it is going to be kept for some time .
28 If there is anything in the distinction I believe that the term Cabinet Committee ought to be kept for Ministerial committees and perhaps for committees of officials directly subordinate to a Ministerial committee ; but I am far from certain that the distinction is worth making .
29 It was put on deposit immediately , to be kept for post-war work on the course .
30 Applications must be processed Assuming that the company requires a range of different skills , the applications must be divided into groups according to their suitability for the different posts Some applicants may appear in more than one group , in which case some account will need to be taken of their preferences Managers involved in the selection process must choose those to be invited for initial interview .
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