Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [verb] by [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They were also closely linked , for provoking or allowing the return of Republican " chaos " and , therefore , the disintegration of the nation , was the ultimate , awful responsibility to be pondered by putative dissenters in the Francoist camp .
2 Opposition groups are preparing to take on the Communist Party in Bulgaria 's first free elections for more than 40 years which are to be fixed by next May , but dissident leaders have called for a postponement .
3 It was marvellous to be taught by new faces , especially Bedu who had come from Coburn .
4 And , as one later moved into other divisions to be taught by other people one always seemed to come back to the Roman Conquest of Britain , which I found particularly boring , and learnt nothing .
5 Diet used to be taught by personal interview and printed diet sheet .
6 There is too much archaeology to be contained in any undergraduate degree or to be taught by any group of teachers .
7 To be a Foodie , to be recognized by other Foodies as such — that is the most succulent form of bliss .
8 Conversely , emotional or mental problems can arise from a physical cause , as was the case with the victim of the instant coffee , and this is even less likely to be recognized by orthodox practitioners .
9 In addition it would enable correspondence that deals with several aspects of Council Tax to be dealt with at the same time and a co-ordinated response to be prepared by nominated officers .
10 SNAP is set to be fronted by TWO girl singers .
11 Green spaces in and around London are under constant threat from developers and difficult decisions about their future use have to be faced by public authorities .
12 Ultimately we escaped the cold , sticky grasp of sand and sea , only to be faced by three miles of sand on its own .
13 Unprecedented anti-government street demonstrations in Tirana on July 1 were brutally broken up by the security forces , and the next day four Albanians fled to the West German embassy , to be joined by 3,200 others in the course of the following week .
14 She thinks we 're perverts , condemned by the Church , men who 've allowed their normal natures to be twisted by depraved men .
15 It would seem that once again nursing students are to be abused by this government .
16 ‘ In India ’ , Rosa Luxemburg wrote , ‘ nationalism is an expression of the rising indigenous bourgeoisie which seeks to exploit the country for its own ends rather than to be drained by English capital ’ .
17 He allowed himself to be groped by motherly women crammed into uniforms of the kind which once might have been issued to the Croatian National Guard , and entered the ante-hall of the conference centre with a quite irrational lifting of the spirit .
18 The social fund was significant for three main reasons : it replaced individual rights based on regulations with discretion which was to be applied by social fund officers ; the budget for social fund payments was to be cash-limited ; and most payments would be in the form of loans rather than grants .
19 However , Vauxcelles 's original references to the ‘ cubes ’ in Braque 's work and to his ‘ bizarreries cubiques ’ had been intended disparagingly , and the term ‘ Cubism ’ continued to be applied by hostile critics to the work of the more advanced painters whom they could not understand or appreciate , and by perceptive critics to these same artists whom they considered to be pioneers in a new movement .
20 It is important to distinguish between allies and enemies : large numbers of aphids , for example , are often accompanied by ladybird or lacewing larvae which feed voraciously on them and are liable to be killed by many insecticides .
21 The best thing that could happen now would be for the scheme to be killed by another backbench Tory revolt , like the rebellion which quashed Sir Keith Joseph 's 1985 effort to make student fees income-related .
22 The best thing that could happen now would be for the scheme to be killed by another backbench Tory revolt , like the rebellion which quashed Sir Keith Joseph 's 1985 effort to make student fees income-related .
23 For instance , Orchin developed a severe stomach ulcer after he was charged which became increasingly worse during the years on bail until it had to be treated by major surgery .
24 They may suffer long delays in reaching hospital and are likely to be treated by junior doctors , says a survey of 15,000 victims , carried out at 33 hospitals .
25 Let him who is prepared , should McNab decide on another experiment , to have needles driven into his stomach , allow himself to be treated by this charlatan .
26 She said homeopathy had come full circle now and it was quite the in-thing to be treated by herbal remedies .
27 Lugard also laid down an elaborate protocol for dealing with the emirs and chiefs , who were to be treated by British officers with the precise degree of courtesy — and no more — which their rank deserved .
28 For mentally ill people local care may be undesirable if they wish to be treated by anonymous carers rather than people who may live in their own locality .
29 Until 1861 a man could hang for engaging in homosexual relations , and as recently as the early 1970s many doctors still regarded homosexuality as an illness to be treated by electric shock therapy .
30 While doing this the men are supposed to be separated by some distance in order to be able to call for radio assistance and to allow fire to be returned should one of them be attacked , and for the constable whose patch it is to become solely identified as the area 's neighbourhood policeman .
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