Example sentences of "[prep] [pos pn] [noun pl] were [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Among the most notable of his houses were Tortworth Court , Avon ( 1853 ) , Bestwood Park , Nottinghamshire ( 1864 ) , and Elvetham Hall , Hampshire ( 1862 ) , all in the most energetic of high Victorian styles , with a rich multiplicity of towers and gables , striped walling , and elaborately framed plate-glass windows .
2 It was not , however , Sir Tony Jacklin who produced the halved match , and the retained Ryder Cup , at The Belfry this year , although two of his players were Sandy Lyle MBE and Nick Faldo MBE .
3 Unlike Jane , Mark did not feel that he would have been better off taking a different subject ; he had decided that he was unsuited to any kind of academic work , although most of his friends were arts students .
4 Two of his brothers were George W. Rendel and ( Sir ) Alexander Rendel [ qq.v . ] .
5 Two of his companions were Randolph Churchill and Evelyn Waugh .
6 The accused , a consultant gynaecologist and obstetrician , falsely represented by his silence that some of his patients were NHS patients , not private ones .
7 Among the lots realising sums above their estimates were Ferdinand Khnopff 's ‘ Bruges ’ , an atmospheric work using a mixture of techniques , which sold for DM155,000 ( £53,400 ; $96,200 ) ; Chagall 's watercolour ‘ Vitebsk ’ , selling for DM100,000 ( £34,500 ; $62,000 ) , and Schmidt-Rottluff 's watercolour ‘ Mädchen ’ , bought for DM175,000 ( £60,300 ; $18,600 ) .
8 Close on their heels were Jane Passingham/Graham White of Treloar , just two points adrift , having lost just two games 15–14 .
9 He wore a light yellow tunic which reached the knee , and on his feet were leather sandals with decorated metal buckles .
10 Hot on his heels were folk duo Tascam , whose rousing medley had the crowd roaring in appreciation .
11 Among their victims were Fred Couples and Davis Love III , but the top two moneywinners on the American tour this year state that revenge is not on their minds this week .
12 As a result of the Oxford Conference of 1937 , J. H. Oldham established a group of Christian intellectuals with the purpose of discussing political and social problems within a Christian context — a more ambitious version of the Chandos Group ; it was known as the Moot , and among its members were Karl Mannheim , Middleton Murry , Alec Vidler as well as Eliot himself .
13 Among its leaders were Dessie O'Hare and Dominic McGlinchey , both now serving long prison sentences .
14 Among its supporters were Philippe de Villiers of the UDF , Jean-Pierre Chevènement , socialist Defence Minister until 1991 , Georges Marchais , secretary-general of the Parti communiste français , and Jean-Marie Le Pen , leader of the Front National .
15 Among her mentors were John Elliot Cairnes , W. Leonard Courtney , and W. A. Hunter [ qq.v. ] , from whom she learned an attachment to laissez-faire economics and liberal political principles .
16 Among her forebears were Sir Joseph Jekyll , master of the Rolls ; Thomas Jekyll , clergyman ; and Thomas Jekyll , antiquary [ qq.v . ] .
17 Among his students were Frank Auerbach and Leon Kossoff , and the Borough period coincided with his most fruitful post-war painting expeditions : Cornwall in August 1947 , and Cyprus in the summer of the following year .
18 Among his brothers were Francis Robert ( Sir Frank ) , the actor , and Godfrey Rathbone , first Baron Charnwood [ qq.v . ] .
19 Among his pupils were George Cranmer , great-nephew of the Archbishop , and Edwin Sandys , son of the Archbishop of York , with both of whom he formed a lasting friendship .
20 As well as composing , Lennox Berkeley taught composition on the Broadwood piano in the study : among his pupils were Richard Rodney Bennett ; John Manduell , now head of the Northern College of Music ; and John Tavener who , in a recent broadcast , remembered how his lessons were often interrupted , sometimes by Nicky , the Berkeleys ' youngest son — whose football might make an unscheduled appearance through the window , to Lennox Berkeley 's gentle consternation — or by Freda coming in with some latest gossip which would send the tutor ‘ running for the gin cupboard ’ .
21 Among his recruits were John Randall and Harry Boot .
22 It was not her age — she told Edward within minutes that she was twenty-seven — and it was not the effect of cares or worry , the lines around her eyes were laughter lines .
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