Example sentences of "[prep] [pos pn] [noun] 's [noun sg] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 After my fortnight 's leave I completed a five-month tour of duty in the East with a Waffen SS unit , operating downwind , as it were , of the military withdrawal from the Soviet Union .
2 For about fifteen months after her husband 's death she felt driven into these encounters .
3 For ten months after his father 's death he had unquestioningly taken the same train home , cooked a meal to be eaten at 7.30 ( as he had always done when his parents were alive ) , watched television , made a cup of tea at 9.30 ( as he had done when his parents were alive ) , and gone to bed .
4 The day she had come to his house to talk about her daughter 's problem he had felt much closer to her .
5 When she told them about her mother 's letter he simply nodded , as if their going away was n't important .
6 After a restless few hours ' sleep , Fabia awakened to daylight and the concrete knowledge that for her sister 's sake she could not accept defeat on that interview issue .
7 For their mother 's sake he had to be taken away .
8 When I realized I was walking towards my father 's house I quickly changed my direction .
9 Although these methods are fairly simple , very thorough and no doubt excellent for those who make interviewing a large part of their life 's work they are not particularly useful for those who may not need to exercise interviewing skills often but who want to use the interview to good effect when they do .
10 At the time of their son 's birth they were impoverished due to gambling debts incurred by Richard senior during his youth .
11 Within hours of her sister 's death she had developed swelling of the eyelids and face .
12 She had been brought up a Unitarian , but about the time of her brother 's death she decided to become a Roman Catholic .
13 On the night of her husband 's funeral she had overcome her usual reticence and talked about their married life .
14 As Noreen prepares for the anniversary of her husband 's death she has a message of hope for Mr Adams 's widow , Catherine , of Witney , Oxon .
15 At the slightest mention of her father 's name I got upset , and even when people said is n't she a gorgeous little baby .
16 When James Halden led Sarah away from the scene of her father 's death she had never felt so ashamed .
17 ‘ It was probably because he was a doctor that he could n't face the future — he knew what to expect , ’ said Rachel bitterly , then as she caught sight of her mother 's expression she said hurriedly , ‘ Oh , I 'm not making excuses for him , I 'm just stating a fact . ’
18 When he heard of his army 's defeat he proclaimed a huge mushroom feast and ordered his shamans to brew up a fresh batch of Mad Cap fungus liquor for the Fanatics .
19 After the baby was born and he was no longer the sole focus of his wife 's attention he felt insecure and displaced .
20 Everyone around him had assumed that at the ti me of his wife 's death he must miss her very much and said what a wonderful person she was .
21 Although only fifteen at the time of his father 's death he soon showed himself to be a cunning and unscrupulous politician .
22 with the caveat that , in the light of your Lordship 's judgement we , we may wish to and change , erm first of all with regards to the commission , your Lord , your Lordships taken
23 ‘ A part of your father 's gift I think you have , if you can learn not to deface it for spite because I am in the same world with you . ’
24 She says that when you erm pointed the gun against her husband 's head she went towards you , grabbed by another officer .
25 But my mother 's image of my future had to be challenged : I was not to marry ; I would be her companion at all times in a perfect mother and daughter symbiosis ; with my teacher 's salary I would buy her a fridge and a washing machine and take care of her .
26 ‘ When I got into my neighbour 's house I felt safe .
27 It could be said that her rights were born together with her ; and from birth with her guardian 's help she could bring the action and endeavour to show that the injury from which she suffered was caused prior to her birth through the fault of the defendant .
28 The work had been incredibly boring ; even with her husband 's help it had taken an age to find out the Russian terms for the jargon of mountaineering , and the subject simply left her cold .
29 With his accountant 's help he eventually moved his accounts to the Midland , which gave him the overdraft on reasonable terms , but he is critical of the way banks look at small businesses , believing that many only look at the business sector rather than at the person running a particular business .
30 He seems to have taught for a while , but already politics called him , and with his father 's support he took ship for France .
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