Example sentences of "[prep] [pos pn] [noun] should be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The reason for prescribing this medication , and the plan for its use should be explained to the patient and agreed upon before a prescription is supplied .
2 Another approach would be to say that it is I , not some part of me called ‘ reason ’ , which sees that this is how the system of my impulses should be organized .
3 Many manufacturers give details of how the pitch range of their models should be set up .
4 Although these cross-sectional studies suggest a similar positive relationship as in the non-diabetic between coronary heart disease and increasing serum cholesterol , triglyceride , VLDL and LDL levels , and possibly a negative association with HDL , confirmation of their contribution should be sought from prospective studies .
5 The moral problem arises from Beccaria 's insistence that all personal characteristics of offenders and circumstances of their offences should be excluded from consideration in determining punishments .
6 Held , allowing the appeals , that the Secretary of State was required to afford to a prisoner serving a mandatory life sentence the opportunity to submit in writing representations as to the period that prisoner should serve for the purposes of retribution and deterrence before the Secretary of State in the exercise of his power under section 61 of the Act of 1967 set the date of the first review of the prisoner 's sentence ; that , before giving the prisoner the opportunity to make representations , the Secretary of State was required to inform him of the period recommended by the judiciary as the period he should serve for the purposes of retribution and deterrence and of any other opinion expressed by the judiciary which had not been disclosed at the trial and would be relevant to the Secretary of State 's decision as to the appropriate period to be served for those purposes ; but that the Secretary of State was not obliged to adopt that judicial view or , if he departed from it , to give reasons for doing so , and that he was entitled to delegate his powers for that purpose to a junior minister within the Home Department ; and that , accordingly , the decisions made by the Secretary of State as to the length of the period each of the applicants should serve before the date of the first review of their sentences should be quashed and that each applicant should be given the opportunity to make written representations after he had been informed of the judicial opinion regarding the period he should serve before review ( post , pp. 963B–C , 969A–C , 973F–H , 974A–B , 977B–D , 979C–F , 980E–G , 981F–G , 983C–D , 984C–E , 985B–C , 986H — 987A , F–G , 988C–E , G–H , 989B–C , D–E , 991B–C , 992F–H , 993B–E , F–G ) .
7 Committees formed at the level of kebele ( neighbourhood ) by the EDUP were renamed " peace and stability committees " and were ordered on June 16 to decide which of their members should be armed .
8 In the end there was no war and no division , the counts instead agreed that one of their number should be chosen to be Emperor , and that the Emperor should hold his title only with the majority consent of the counts themselves .
9 Suitable products and the exact extent of their application should be agreed with the local authority 's building control officer before the rebuilding work is commenced .
10 If they meet the requirements of the above list , the dissemination and support of their material should be made possible by others with sufficient expertise to cope with it .
11 75% of employers are failing to meet the requirement that 3% of their staff should be registered disabled ( p 102 ) .
12 Being the parent company , Electronics exercised strong control over Magnetics ' finances and was able to decide which of its creditors should be paid .
13 The House has now decided that televising of its proceedings should be made permanent .
14 ‘ Vehicle ’ was discussed in Boxer v Snelling [ 1972 ] RTR 472 where it was said that in borderline cases not only the construction or nature of the contrivance but also the circumstances of its use should be taken into account .
15 A brief description of its nature should be given .
16 A brief description of its nature should be given .
17 Secondly we urged that the marginalisation of the area and the social exclusion of many of its people should be addressed by a concerted effort to open up employment opportunities outside West Belfast and by a serious attempt to involve local people in development decisions .
18 The Duchess , intent that every particular of her ball should be arranged to perfection , insisted on a demonstration .
19 Instead he demanded that at least part of his inheritance should be handed over to him at once : either England or Normandy or Anjou .
20 ‘ Our great founder laid down a rule in his will that anyone who went to prison would not have to pay his subscription during the time that he was unable to use the club premises , and that any unused portion of his subscription should be held over until his release . ’
21 Keen that the fruits of his scholarship should be made available to as wide a readership as possible , I have made strenuous efforts to trace Mr Mint .
22 It is therefore important that the precise nature of his achievements should be clarified .
23 The outline of your notes should be based on the syllabus or programme of the subjects and built up from key words abstracted from textbooks and other writings on the topics concerned .
24 None the less , some increase in fees ( and in general living costs ) in each successive year of your course should be expected .
25 The length of your step should be tailored according to the distance you are away from your opponent .
26 In the context of pre-trial negotiations , and discussions about a termination package ( see Chapter 19 ) , you may also find that the company will insist that the value of your claim should be reduced to take account of this factor .
27 Ideally your carpets should be the first major purchase in your new home , for it is around this essential item of furnishing that the rest of your interiors should be planned .
28 In connection with the location of the energy barrier separating the two states , it is interesting to remark that some crystallographic results have been interpreted as containing B II phosphates when in fact these conformations correspond to ε-ζ values of roughly +30° ( see , for example , 10 ) which in the light of our findings should be considered B I .
29 Quite apart from any question of how polishing and scuffing influences the behaviour of the ball , is there any reason why any interference with its state should be allowed ?
30 There are three topics that in my view should be banned from current dinner party conversation — house prices , school fees and breast feeding .
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