Example sentences of "[prep] [subord] he be [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 His eyes are fixed on hers as if he is trying to outstare her .
2 It looks as if he is going to hold Normandy .
3 In this case the instructor brings the aircraft to a stall and applies full rudder as if he is going to spin .
4 ‘ Tod Friendly , ’ Tod Friendly keeps grunting without opening his mouth , as if he 's trying to remember it , or learn it .
5 When Odilo has Herta on the bed , splayed and buckled , with her ankles on either side of the headboard , it 's as if he 's trying to kill something rather than create it .
6 It 's a romantic notion I know — but to me , with his system idling yet the brain activity so intense , I think it 's as if he 's trying to come to a decision . ’
7 And Murphy himself often looks edgy , as if he 's trying to button his lip ( he seems happiest with the funny improvised boy 's talk routines ) .
8 And it looks as if he 's going to change the image of poodles for ever .
9 He pulls a face as if he 's going to piss in his pants .
10 One more story about O : he told me ( it was as if he was trying to explain the oddity of his lovemaking to me , as if he was trying to account for or apologise for the way he 'd treated me , or perhaps to reassure me concerning the effect he 'd had on me , I do n't know ) , in the morning he told me that there was one man , this had been just a couple of years previously , there was one man who had summoned him to his bedside to be counted amongst a farewell gathering of lovers , dear friends and great passions .
11 His mouth kept opening and shutting as if he was trying to say something .
12 Occasionally , as if he was trying to control it , he would exhale three times in succession , and the sound would be forced from his throat in rhythmic grunts : ‘ Aha aha aha ’ .
13 He did n't answer for a moment , and it seemed as if he was trying to control conflicting emotions .
14 One more story about O : he told me ( it was as if he was trying to explain the oddity of his lovemaking to me , as if he was trying to account for or apologise for the way he 'd treated me , or perhaps to reassure me concerning the effect he 'd had on me , I do n't know ) , in the morning he told me that there was one man , this had been just a couple of years previously , there was one man who had summoned him to his bedside to be counted amongst a farewell gathering of lovers , dear friends and great passions .
15 ‘ Oh Simon ! ’ he said , looking at my face as if he was trying to memorize it for some exam .
16 I was certain he did n't know I was following him , but he led me a pretty dance almost as if he was trying to lose me .
17 He pulled the duvet off the bed and tried to wrap it round her , but she reacted violently , as if he was trying to suffocate her .
18 The silence and the stare were alarming , and faintly comic , as if he was trying to hypnotize a bird .
19 Only Leila noticed Roirbak 's quick glance upwards , as if he was trying to peer through the ceiling .
20 He huddled up as if he was trying to roll himself into a ball .
21 Raising her unwilling eyes to his , she saw that he was looking down at her intently , his grey eyes shadowed , a slight twist to his lips , as if he was trying to read her face .
22 It was almost as if he was trying to hide .
23 Pansy looked at her as if he was trying to work out how to combine her with deuterium and to calculate the effects of the resulting explosion .
24 He wrinkled his nose , half closed his eyes , and then he surveyed Alexei as if he was trying to understand a bad joke .
25 His lovemaking was different this time , more intense , more assertive as if he was trying to exert some power over her .
26 as if he was trying to get rid of a whole cloud of false ideas I probably had about it .
27 ‘ What 's this , Sep ? ’ said Tom Tedder , coming in from his last class , and acting rather as if a load was now off his mind , or as if he was trying to conceal one .
28 She felt a change now , as if he was beginning to feel sorry for himself .
29 Even as his broken body had followed its spirit into the night woods , there had been something about him : his fingers flexed just so , as if signalling to her ; a frown on his face , as if he was struggling to turn his eyes to the woman by the fire ; a sparkle in those eyes , the dead eyes , the tears that said how he longed to stay .
30 He was droopy and small for his age and his joints stuck out at knees and wrists and elbows as if he was waiting to grow into them , like clothes .
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