Example sentences of "[prep] [subord] [pers pn] [be] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Only a minute or two earlier you were saying things like : ‘ It 's just a sort of a , a sort of a , a , a , a question of as it were sort of behaving sort of , well , for want of a better word , decently , sort of thing . ’
2 ‘ It almost sounds as if we 're 58% in charge of what we 're doing .
3 Old hands wear leather gloves , old heads wear fur hats , as if they are badges of office : we hunt , we trap , we tame .
4 In a pendentive method of construction the triangular spaces between the square section and the circular base of the hemisphere are built as if they are parts of a lower and larger dome so that their section is like that of an arch carried across the diagonal of the square space to be covered .
5 It , they , they certainly look as if they are sort of intended er to heat things up .
6 Advertising members of the family as if they were houses for sale
7 Do species have to be maintained so uniformly and tidily , so predictably , as if they were part of a genetic card index ?
8 Do species have to be maintained so uniformly and tidily , so predictably , as if they were part of a genetic card index ?
9 Superficially , such a judgement would have been rather puzzling , given that adverbs , including adverbs of manner , normally can qualify the verb believe : ( 71 ) we must reluctantly believe what she says 4.8 The proposal to treat the adjectives of Sections 4.5 and 4.6 as if they were part of a modified subordinate clause is not of course a novel one ; notoriously , the postulation of modified subordinate clauses has been adopted by many writers in recent decades as a grammatical panacea for all manner of syntactic problems .
10 Rabbiting on as if — as if they were friends at the very least …
11 Where the programme is most revealing is in its assumption that the proper way of handling young refugees was to treat them as if they were entrants to a minor public school .
12 Because of their cultural inhibitions all men everywhere behave as if they were members of many different species .
13 Thus , three other categories of persons who are not involved in any manufacturing , are treated as if they were producers under s2 .
14 She had seen them through a strange fuzzy blankness , as if they were constructs of her subconscious which were being projected against her closed eyelids .
15 Hodads from Honolulu still think of the place as the Wild West and venture up the H-2 to stare at surfers as if they were herds of buffalo grazing on the sea .
16 One answer to it might be that there are systemic forces strong enough to propel the nation states through their orbits , rather as if they were planets in a solar system in dynamic equilibrium .
17 We have a way of talking , and thus a way of thinking , about thoughts as if they were sentences in the head ; and it is worth noting that Fodor ( for example in Psychosemantics ) regards folk psychology as providing a rough but reliable account of mental life and behaviour .
18 The wind came whipping off the moor and bent the cypresses as if they were blades of grass .
19 The woman walked around Masklin and Angalo as if they were items on display .
20 It begins with two entranced dancers fencing with short bamboos , and ends with the dancers unconscious in the arms of the community , while the bamboos continue dancing on their own as if they were slivers of paper on an electrostatically charged diaphragm .
21 Seeing how nature treats an inept hedgehog made me very glad that we have won the long counter-insurgency war with nature in the western world : but too weak-minded a reverence for nature is going to allow us to treat fellow humans as if they were hedgehogs in the shrubbery .
22 The various proposals considered in the previous section were presented as if they were additions to the tripartite analysis , it being admitted that Gettier had shown that analysis to be insufficient .
23 There is a slight problem with stones , which can respond as if they were nuts to the vibrators and air blasts .
24 Yeah , they 're quite soft anyway it just felt as if they were sort of my toes were sort of jammed up against the end but
25 The connection was especially good , almost as if they were face to face , and Zen found himself resentful that he should be deprived of the usual screen of interference on an occasion when he could find nothing to say .
26 She felt as if they were face to face with an inquisitor .
27 The expression ‘ band width ’ is used to describe links for passing electronic information as if they were pipes through which the information is pumped rather like water being distributed across a national supply network .
28 It can not , he argues , be tied to the notion of ‘ man ’ as if they were images of each other :
29 The tower , like other of the medieval remains of Sauveterre ( all of them numbered and labelled by the tourist authorities , as if they were clues in an architectural treasure hunt ) , is alive with pigeons and with palombes , wisely sitting out the shooting season in town .
30 While it is often the case that methods are treated as if they were tools in a tool box ready and waiting to be used for their appropriate task , it is vitally important that any aspiring methodologist does not take this too seriously but tries , instead , to understand the presumptions which underpin methods .
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