Example sentences of "[prep] [subord] [pron] be go [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The question of whether we 're going to clean up the environment of this country is long over , ’ he told a press conference .
2 But if you practise it sitting down , your voice 'll be very different , the speed of your voice will be different , and if you do n't practise it out loud you wo n't be able to get any idea of whether it 's going to take three minutes or not .
3 He was down and sometimes it seemed as if nothing was going to shake him out of it , apart from a laugh at someone else 's expense or a shared moment of despair .
4 ‘ Mrs. Olinton 's rung the fire-brigade , but , thanks to you , young lady , it does n't look as if we 're going to need it .
5 ‘ Looks as if we 're going to get some fog now .
6 ‘ Looks as if we 're going to have a bull session , Dad . ’
7 It looks as if we 're going to have a hell of a job to identify him .
8 We budgeted a thousand pounds , it looks as if we 're going to have to spend more on urgent work .
9 Mr Patten said later : ‘ The important thing as far as I am concerned is that it looks as if we are going to have a Conservative government .
10 Debate going on at my feet — sounds as if they 're going to take over .
11 I think Dufy is quite wrong ; John Piper is more the type , his peculiar banks and cliffs which have no vegetation on them whatsoever yet look as if they are going to have tiny green shoots peeping out at any minute .
12 Blanche was right to insist that these leads were followed up but it did not look as if they were going to take them anywhere .
13 Patrick squirmed uncomfortably in the jumper and the trousers , which were at least two sizes too large for him — he felt as if they were going to fall down at any moment .
14 Looking Nicolo in the eye only made her knees feel as if they were going to buckle .
15 Bath looked as if they were going to win , but Gloucester 's defence held out well .
16 The leather chafed her heels and the straps felt as if they were going to crush her bones .
17 The hijackers jumped down and for a minute it looked as if they were going to try to fight their way out .
18 It seemed as if everyone was going to conform to this funeral except him .
19 I realize I 'm sitting tense , as if something 's going to happen in the next three minutes .
20 She looks as if she 's going to take a bite out of the air .
21 It does n't sound as if she is going to come round , so he wo n't have to do anything . ’
22 She opened her mouth , as if she were going to say more , but then closed it again .
23 The Lady Prioress looked as if she was going to refuse but Corbett stood his ground and glared back .
24 For one awful heart-stopping second she felt as if she was going to fall , here , now , right in front of high and mighty Luke …
25 So Julie smiled at us , in a half-proud , half-scared sort of way , that made her look more as if she was going to burst into tears , and marched up the street , pigtails bobbing , and over the main road to the bus-stop , and stood there gazing across at us with blank eyes while the traffic trundled backwards and forwards between us .
26 A sudden wave of panic swept over her and she glanced at the others but it did n't seem as if she was going to learn anything for the moment .
27 She apparently thought better of it , but her face started to crumple as if she was going to cry .
28 It looks as if he is going to hold Normandy .
29 In this case the instructor brings the aircraft to a stall and applies full rudder as if he is going to spin .
30 And it looks as if he 's going to change the image of poodles for ever .
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