Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [Wh det] can [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The choice of treatment may be skewed towards that which can be paid for , rather than that which may be in the best interests of or preferred by the patient .
2 Essentially the assertive female cross-dresser inverted the metaphysics of difference : from being a divine law inscribed essentially in each of God 's subjects and which knowledge of self would confirm , sexual identity and sexual difference are shifted irretrievably into the domain of custom , of the social , of that which can be contested .
3 Changes in the number of households may be broken down into those which can be attributed to the changing numbers in each age group and those attributable to changes in headship rates .
4 As well as publicizing the activities of the Library the Friends contribute money towards purchases over and above those which can be made from the College funds .
5 Add to that whatever can be salvaged of the 18 state monopoly combines that were based in east Berlin , and you have a concentration of industry without equal in Europe .
6 Here , too , are sedimented conventions of presentation : the need to personalise the issue by interviewing hapless victims , to make comparisons with other events classified as similar in kind and , most obviously in the case of television , to be attracted to that which can be pictured and distracted from that which can not .
7 Although the speed of the computer does not allow animation comparable to that which can be produced on film , there is no doubt that this facility , which has only just begun to be explored , can give real power to the teacher .
8 Undoubtedly it would appear to be more sensible in the longer term for cattle numbers to be limited to those which can be sustained on the winter fodder production capabilities of the farms so as to eliminate fodder purchases .
9 Emphasis must be placed on certain steps and their qualities which appear to be particular to one country and dances should be limited to those which can be recognised .
10 These will obviously limit sizes to those which can be achieved easily : for instance , .
11 Soups , salads , potatoes and other hot vegetables , hot puddings , fruit and yoghurt are fixed-priced items : main courses and the ‘ grill bar special ’ are among those which can be adjusted .
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