Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun pl] [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I was on a local council for some years that thought it was well run , but we still found it possible to get rid of a tier of management .
2 ‘ Your father should go back home for some years and take you with him .
3 I have been using it for some years and encourage my junior staff to do the same .
4 A wheel designed just to go on turning , never stopping , so that for a hundred years with a hundred more to follow , she had been coming out of this cottage doorway , carrying her carpet-bag , filling her lungs with this damp , sooty air which had started to make Liam cough , reminding herself — as one simply had to do — to be thankful for such mercies as came her way , however small .
5 to deal with entries entailing exemption from part of the Course on behalf of the Polytechnic Dispensations Committee , to set appropriate conditions for such entries and to report them to the Dispensations Committee ; and
6 And that 's something which you have n't like got to do a lot of recording for You have n't got test conditions you 've got to think of some questions and photocopy it .
7 Shop around for a reasonable estimate , or hire a van and the services of some friends and do it yourself , it is much cheaper , and worth while if you are only moving a short distance .
8 Nevertheless it is worth citing some instances where the continual use of one or a very few gestures can fully describe the feelings of some characters and convey their reactions to the circumstances of the plot or theme .
9 What we wan na do is think of some buildings and describe them to ourselves and then work out what style , cos the thing is since the 1960s , styles like we want , like a progression of styles till the 1990s and see what 's changed and what 's stayed .
10 The conference theme ‘ A Better Mousetrap ’ , ties in with the centenary of crime novelist Agatha Christie , who turned up at The Old Swan after her own mysterious disappearance , and the titles of some of the papers will reflect the investigation , detection and arrest of some villains that threaten our property , our health or our lives .
11 It is better to speak of such things than keep them hidden . ’
12 The only remedy , then , is to dig deeper into the conceptual roots of such claims and subject them to a comprehensive structural analysis .
13 As we shall see in more detail in the next chapter , there are many features of such conditions that make them quite obviously inimical to the creative act .
14 Hosts did not always know the names of such guests and considered it impolite to ask , at least until the meal was over .
15 The fierce public rivalry between IBM Corp and Microsoft Corp begins to look like the posturing of all-in wrestlers that do it all for show : according to Computer Reseller News , IBM is quietly working with the Redmond dominator to put Windows NT up on the PowerPC RISC .
16 A Validation Panel considers the acceptability of a proposed Course or Unit from both of these viewpoints and makes its recommendations to SCOTVEC .
17 ‘ Perhaps you could give me one of these coins and send me away with a beating ?
18 Let us face up to the reality of these fears and face them in the power of the cross .
19 I retain some of these feelings but know it 's because of indoctrination not because it 's necessarily true .
20 International appeals can help to secure the release of these prisoners or to improve their detention conditions .
21 International appeals can help to secure the release of these prisoners or to improve their detention conditions .
22 With the assistance of Dr Viv Edwards ( University of Reading ) , Dr Troyna will be synthesising the main results of these projects and assessing their contribution to current thinking on how educational systems might respond positively and most effectively to the demands of democratic multicultural societies .
23 To guarantee the survival of these industries and to speed their rate of expansion , the home market was secured behind protective trade barriers .
24 But again it 's , it 's another one of these things that makes it really complicated .
25 This is something that 's been on my mind for a very long time and I mean , I , I , I think it 's about time we started getting rid of these things and updating our own toilets you know .
26 The purpose of this project is to analyse some of these forecasts and discover their similarities and differences .
27 In order to recognize the different characteristics of individual fabrics it is helpful to know a little about the raw materials used ( i.e. , fibre content ) and the weave and various finishes which may be applied to it , as it is the combination of these factors that affect its appearance , how it handles and its performance .
28 This impetus was centred around an urban renewal policy that — along with explicitly segregationist policies in federal public housing — cut off minority communities , displaced large sections of these communities and concentrated them between expressways , office complexes , stadiums and civic centers .
29 It is important that you are aware of these standards and meet them .
30 In her decoration ‘ Lilith ’ ( Museum Boymans-van Beuningen , Rotterdam — watercolour sketch at the Tate Gallery ) it is as if she has taken one of these nudes and stood her against a tree , where , with arms wrapped around her head and one leg twisted into the other she writhes provocatively for the pleasure of the viewer .
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