Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun sg] of time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I think , then what on earth does he want to be on the phone for that length of time for .
2 In terms of the definition of er what is historic York I think again an issue we went over for some length of time at the greenbelt inquiry , I would draw your attention back to my earlier comments that York is basically a modern industrial city with a very precious historic core , that historic core er represents no more than actually five percent of the built up area , that something like eighty five percent of the city was built after eighteen hundred , the view that was expressed by the County in N Y Two , in terms of the definition of the greenbelt , the Greater York greenbelt and its purposes was not accepted by the City Council , we do not accept that all of the func elements of the York greenbelt contribute towards preserving the character of the historic city , we rely on the the fact that the two comments the Senior Inspector made at this , the the green wedges and historic core itself that establish the historic character of the city , there are many parts of the edge of York which could repli be replicated in many cities , historic or otherwise around the country and finally just coming back to the issue of scale of development erm the point I should have made earlier about the house builders figures for the city of York is that the house builders did suggest a figure of four thousand for the city , erm , I 'm not aware on what basis that was made , but clearly my evidence would quite clearly indicate that I believe that could not be accommodated , certainly on any known sites within the cit current city boundary , thank you Chair .
3 Utterances a and b are different in that the action specified is to follow the utterance , immediately in the case of a , but after some expanse of time in b .
4 but I think for people to go and have plastic surgery of that length of time for erm any thing else other than medical reasons
5 In particular , there is no limitation of the remedy by reference to some period of time during which defects will be remedied .
6 Arabs always seem to be either in a great hurry or without any sense of time at all .
7 I considered keeping observation actually on the flat but because of its its location , did not feel that it would be possible for armed officers or for that matter , any officer , to maintain observation for any period of time without being seen .
8 Under no circumstances , however , particularly when you are feeding a dried diet , should you withhold water for any period of time in order to reduce urinary output .
9 ‘ Now it seems an odd decision because the film was such a big success , but I did n't want to be under contract to anyone for any length of time with whom I did n't feel much in common .
10 She turned to the bookcase : ‘ Those were his books , but after he had his stroke he could n't read for any length of time without tiring his eyes and I used to read to him .
11 The advent of commercial and domestic freezing equipment means that what we eat is no longer limited by the time of year — although whether you consider the flavour of food which has been deep frozen for any length of time to be as good is another matter .
12 Typical examples of this are the inability to have biosensors that can operate effectively for any length of time in blood and the need for anticoagulants during extracorporeal procedures such as dialysis and heart-lung bypass operations .
13 Plus up to £80 payable for every day you are in hospital due to an accident , for any length of time from one day , up to 100 days .
14 Do you know if this was something that was happening to a lot of people , at that sort of time in nineteen thirties ?
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