Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun sg] [conj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 next month about that cream that I use .
2 I had doubts about that cover when I saw it because someone on seeing the flag would think it 's a political novel , whereas it 's not .
3 Did I tell you about that song that I heard just once .
4 I just worry about that song because I do n't wan na be any part of kids thinking drugs are cooler than they are , 'cos they 're not for everybody .
5 That 's the only thing about that house that I do n't really like , that 's , the
6 But so far , that 's why I chitted at him this morning about that coal because I 've been using this all morning , I 've not been lighting fire till between one and three o'clock .
7 ‘ I played in the 1987 cup final win against Wasps , but I do n't remember much about that game because I got concussed in the opening 10 minutes .
8 I kept thinking about that reception as I drove blissfully home .
9 I knew nothing about that deal until I played some recent demos of the things that eventually became ‘ Workbook ’ .
10 Physical miracles may not happen for each person but I felt miracles can happen within everyone .
11 Ah but so did I and I did nothing but write during that time but I 've never known and everything I 've said about that is true , has turned out to be true .
12 I did my best , but I suppose it was during that time that I began to drink too much and that finished off my promotion chances .
13 And my Will is to be Buried in Linen in a Suit which I shall provide for that purpose And I do hereby order and direct that the Sum of Ten Pounds shall be paid to the person who shall be the last in attending me to the time of my expiring and who shall see me Inclosed and laid in my Coffin in Linen .
14 ‘ It 's nigh on two year since I 've been out that house , ’ said Bella suddenly , ‘ since the Warden took me for that X-ray after I fell over and hurt me wrist . ’
15 It was for that reason that I took the stand I did , and put forward the views that I did .
16 Earlier this evening Graham I thought you erm made a complaint about the number of reports that are coming to committee er but it 's not for that reason that I wanted to dispose of this motion now erm but there are other reasons .
17 It is for that reason that I include it on the shortlist for the Worst Building in the World title .
18 ‘ Well , ’ said the executive , ‘ if things keep going on the way they are , I 'll be there some day catching for that guy and I want to make sure I know his curves . ’
19 I hope councillor has n't been puzzling about this question because I think she should have had adequate warning erm the cycling part of working party was agreed by city board on the ninth of on the seventh of December is to come to an end and such work has er relates to cycling within a new transport working party .
20 I I asked the er the minister earlier about this question and I appreciate his difficulties being a home office minister rather than a foreign office minister and I quite understand his reluctance to er stray too far from his departmental portfolio but the reality is that the British government agreed that the European parliament should continue to meet in Strasbourg but we 've heard nothing from the minister as to where the money should come from er in order to make that commitment a reality because I 'm sure that every member opposite would say that the uncertainty about the present boundaries is not the er responsibility of the British government , that it 's a matter for the French government to sort out which boundaries er will be in place in the United Kingdom by June the ninth , the date of the European elections , but the reality is that the British government have gone along with the arrangement for having Strasbourg recognised as a er seat for the European parliament .
21 It was about this time that I received a letter from Dr Liu Shih-Shun , Chinese Ambassador in Ottawa , who informed me that , with the imminent cessation of hostilities in Asia , the Chinese government would move back from the wartime capital of Chungking to the south central city of Nanking .
22 It was about this time that I committed a faux pas which my contemporaries never let me forget .
23 I do n't know whether David would agree , but my experience as a teacher was that I certainly encountered , I realize now , in my teaching career , children with dyslexia and yet no-one had told me , in my training , anything about this condition and I do n't think I was in a position until later , in a sense , to recognise that I had seen children with this difficulty .
24 She got in the bed to watch Neighbours and we came back about five o'clock and I went up the stairs , the T V was and he was erm out for count , so I left them for another hour and I said to mum
25 It was during this incident that I became aware of Husseys Hatches , as the Fire Brigade used the water from one of these , nearly opposite the Brown Street Baptist Church .
26 ‘ If you mean because it 's your day off , there are no days off during this case unless I decide I can spare you . ’
27 I think I did n't mention food in my diary during this period because I did n't want to mention my own eating-habits .
28 It was during this visit that I realized what people must have gone through simply to immigrate to the United States .
29 just happened to go in one day for some meat and I got me bacon there for Christmas , that 's what I went in for were n't it ?
30 My head was throbbing and the shoulder was beginning to ache from the kicking , which had probably been going on for some time before I came round .
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