Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [conj] [pron] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 've asked him about that and what he said is that er , he was saving up and he was going tax the vehicle as soon he was able to do so but he did n't have the funds and er , to do so at , at that time .
2 I 've asked him about that and what he said is that er he was saving up and he was going to tax the vehicle as soon as he was able to do so , but he did n't have the funds er to do so at , at that time .
3 Local government is on the verge of collapse , but who gives a damn on the Conservative Benches about that and what it means for local government services ?
4 but she 's had quite a lot of training in other things actually and with the man marketing department that they 've got there they might not need that the thing coming up I 've just had what 's interesting about that and what I do n't like about it is not to because I have a lot of respect for her .
5 Mr. Wilson : As the Minister reiterates his enthusiasm for bids that give workers a substantial say , does he consider that there is any conflict between that and what he has told us about the SDA investing £500,000 to ensure that such bids do not succeed ?
6 He tried to make a connection between this and something he had heard , or read , about the illusion of the face in a looking-glass in that famous picture — by Goya was it , or Velasquez — some Spaniard , no — was Velasquez Spanish , was n't he making a mistake there , was n't he Italian ?
7 Obviously interpreted your er But I think we 'll have to work towards that and I I agree Sue I think there 's two ways either saying , you know , we don we do it for everything , or
8 I get it , I get it every time I come into one of these but I I hope that I 've got it in got them in formation .
9 But either one of these and what we 've already put up you ca n't really call them positional isomers cos the basic carbon skeleton is different .
10 Rousseau understood this , and that is one reason why he wished to distinguish between the will of all and what he called " the general will " .
11 In the end it must have been the right one because I was the best of all and I you know until five minutes before everything finished I just could n't make up my mind
12 I like them like that because what I tend to do with so I like them that big because then I can cut them up into sticks , stick them in the fridge , then if I feel like being naughty not ever so naughty because I 'm nibbling at carrots rather than a packet of crisps or something .
13 Something like that or one they put in that was n't there or some
14 You know technology matrix , something like that and what you do you just simply say okay whatever the skills are along here it does n't really matter .
15 what they are doing you see , an authorized dealer , well even a non-authorized dealer get hold of a piece of kit and then somebody say want this system , right okay , and they just have a big load of forms for maintenance agreements and all they do the dealer 'll go along and put this kit in , B T 'll come along and say yeah that conforms to regulations , sign here , the customer er sign here , the dealer send the maintenance agreement to us , we signed it , send it back , we 've never even seen it , then we turn up and find that the main control unit 's high up in the attic or in a damp cellar , in a cupboard where you ca n't see it , there 's no light and stuff like that and we 're taking jobs on like that and it you know , it 's just impossible to work on them
16 But then I mean come and saw me once , you see , when I was n't there like that and he he tested from top to bottom , he said well ar ar after we sit and talked , and like he said well I better give you the once over , I said th er , certainly .
17 But there 's a so there 's another meaning comes into it and they update the dictionary like this and they they listen to the tapes and find out how people use it , and how language changes .
18 happy but my head 's like this and I I bit disappointed really
19 I do n't know if you would agree with that or what you think of that , and one might to combat that if you agree that is does exist ?
20 Now we used to clean the bottom up cos used to be a big boiler in the dredger and erm we used to close down every six weeks , which they used to call blow the boiler down , that mean that they open the valve and the heat used to take all the water into the river , so er , that used to be blown down Friday night , come Saturday morning we 'd start at six o'clock and chip all the fur off inside the boiler , cos the boiler was made with all and what we call the crown , that used to be the two furnaces , cos they 're double the big boiler were a double furnace and we had to chip all that fur off them , well it used to take us now from six o'clock in the morning or say seven when we got there had to go down the tug and er go down the tug and erm , then we go aboard and strip off .
21 Mr Wolski was interested in this because he himself had seen the RSPB man at the Zoo yesterday and had heard unofficially that their real worry was that someone might try to trap or shoot the bird .
22 I think you 've got to be careful how you word the letter on that because what I do n't want you to do is to say yes okay and then find you 're blocked on an industrial tribunal application .
23 I hope that you , Mr. Deputy Speaker , will consider it in order if I state precisely what that £1 billion could mean to those or us who live in the Network SouthEast region .
24 No , even the hyenas wo n't laugh at these and anyone who has to put up with you telling these gags is likely to let you take a closer look at the lion 's cage — like from the inside .
25 And his grandson did could n't manage the hotels at all and him he went away he lived in Vancouver and Canada a while .
26 They brought him inside to erm recruit without giving him any training at all and what I do has been gained over the last twenty years of recruitment .
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