Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [adj] of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Salmon 's Return ’ lay a quarter of a mile up-river , and dated back to the early seventeenth century , a long , low , white-painted house on a terrace cunningly clear of the flood level of the Comer , and with ideal fishing water for some hundreds of yards on either side of it .
2 ‘ And after the Venerable Dorn had rescued the mutilated , charred living corpse of the Emperor in the wake of that direst of victories against the renegade Horus , ’ declaimed moon-faced combat-Chaplain Lo Chang in chapel ; ‘ and after he had overseen the construction of the Golden Throne , guided by the Emperor 's mighty spirit as He lay in life-support ; and after Rogal Dorn had witnessed the transfer of that unquenchable divine husk into the Great Psychoprosthetic Throne , lo , afterwards our Primarch lived for another four hundred and thirteen years … ’
3 ‘ the whole object of the section is to assimilate the practice in winding up to the practice in bankruptcy , which was established in order to enable assignees , who are now called trustees , in bankruptcy to find out facts before they brought an action , so as to avoid incurring the expense of some hundreds of pounds in bringing an unsuccessful action , when they might , by examining a witness or two , have discovered at a trifling expense that an action could not succeed .
4 The waters described by Boswell flow powerfully beneath deep banks reached after a walk of some hundreds of yards from the B886 north of Fairy Bridge .
5 On average it works out at about once every five years and a cost of many hundreds of pounds per fish .
6 These are just two out of many hundreds of cases in which the police have used hypnosis to refresh the memories of witnesses and victims of crime .
7 When , for example , Alexander Gordon of Strathdon came to Elgin on 5 November 1539 to bind himself in manrent to George earl of Huntly , promising to serve him in peace and war , give him counsel , and protect him against harm , he was only one of many hundreds of men throughout the country during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries making such an obligation , and thereby creating strong personal relationships based always in theory and normally in reality not just on mutual self-interest but on mutual loyalty and trust .
8 The functioning of these enzymes depends on their amino acid sequence , and that in turn depends on base sequence in DNA , which is the result of many millions of years of natural selection .
9 From the late eighteenth century onwards , normal parliamentary Acts of Enclosure authorised the break-up of many thousands of acres of fenland .
10 Insofar as municipal systems set limits to the use of force and punish at least some of those guilty of crimes of violence it has some success as law and an undisputed claim to be regarded as law for as long as the officials of the system pursue these objectives by taking steps against non-compliance ( Hart , 1961 , pp. 79–88 and 213ff . ) .
11 Depending on the assumptions applied this process could lead to the subduction of several hundreds of kilometres of continental crust ; more likely , however , is rather more limited subduction , but even this could involve the complete consumption of peninsulas and microcontinents .
12 oh yes , but not in the ordinary er there was a huge place , where you could put tables all round the tables , you see , and , and er it was a and er I liked it , I , when they were busy , you see , I used to , especially if they had an order for these hundreds of cups of tea , er , you see , I used to go down and give a hand then , I used to like it , you see , somebody would give a shout and I would come down from the office and and left them anyway and then er I heard of this job .
13 It is a good idea to tell children that all these have been domesticated for many hundreds of years in the service of man , for meat , milk , hide , skins , wool and eggs .
14 For many thousands of trees in Czechoslovakia and eastern Germany , it is already too late .
15 All humans may well have a place on the genealogy which begins with Adam ; but the point where , say , the French line diverges from the Libyan line is likely to some hundreds of generations above the present adult men of Libya and France .
16 The aid , including children 's shoes and cooking oil — the simple , basic things — has been of large benefit to many thousands of refugees in Iran .
17 In addition to these groups , the 5 Corps areas also contained vast numbers of surrendered Germans , in addition to many thousands of troops of other nationalities and hordes of miscellaneous civilian refugees .
18 Last year your film correspondent , William Parente , suggested that the last real subject left for the British film industry to tackle was the Highland Clearances , a subject of relevance to the Gaels , their current political context , and to many thousands of Scots around the world .
19 The magnitude of erosion is reflected in the silt content of the Huanghe River : before it enters the Loess lands it has an average silt content of 2 kg m-3 of water , but when it leaves the region after its confluence with the Weihe the average silt content is 35 kg m- which can rise to several hundreds of kilograms after storms ( Smil 1984 ) .
20 He knows that he has deliberately raised unnecessary alarm among many thousands of pensioners by the way in which he has presented the matter .
21 In Kalimantan ( Borneo ) , fires believed to have been smouldering in underground coal seams since 1986 or even 1982-83 had now taken hold across many thousands of acres of secondary forest growth ( i.e. the re-growth after clearance ) , often fuelled by the debris from logging operations , and were approaching the primary rainforest of Kutai national park .
22 This range , although covered by many hundreds of metres of water for most of its length , breaks surface in a few places to form the chain of apparently unconnected volcanic islands .
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