Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 The motion is n't actually asking for each individual member to be sent a questionnaire and to say where would you like to be because obviously that is totally ridiculous .
2 It would , I think , be appropriate for that detailed statement to be made available to the other parties well in advance of the hearing , to enable the claim and the detail of it to be considered .
3 Our Prime Minister of that time , Mr Lloyd George , had called for another great conference to be held in Italy in the spring of 1922 , and initially his lordship 's aim was to organize a gathering at Darlington Hall with a view to ensuring a satisfactory outcome to this event .
4 The players ran on to the field and the roar was heard five miles away at Kelvin Park , where preparations were already in hand for another Great Exhibition to be held in 1901 .
5 The Musical Medley held on Friday , 27th April was acclaimed a great success and requests were made for another such event to be featured in a future syllabus .
6 She had no wish for Doreen to accompany them during this rare opportunity to be alone with Silas ; then she sighed with relief as his next words rang like bells in her ears .
7 Clearly there is a need for some international standard to be laid down to govern this .
8 Video 8 , with its inability to dub audio separately , inserts both new pictures and sound , the latter being whatever was being picked up by the camcorder 's microphone while the title was being recorded — unless you have arranged for some other sound to be fed onto the tape !
9 For the time being , find the Prior and tell him that I am back and arrange for some hot water to be brought here . ’
10 It is for the humanities to speak up for the value of retrospective conversion , and for some national planning to be undertaken to achieve this , as they , and to some extent the social sciences have most to gain from such an investment .
11 Any witness whose attendance in court ought for some sufficient cause to be dispensed with may be ordered ( N 21 ) by the judge or district judge to be examined before an examiner in England or Wales ( Ord 20 , r 13 ) .
12 It makes sense for this alternative establishment to be pro-European , not only because it is in tune with the music Jacques Delors is making , but because it sees Brussels as a counterpoise to London.This is why it has been pointless to question the sincerity of Kinnock 's conversion to Europe .
13 In advance , using the smokescreen of Tech-Green bureaucracy , he 'd arranged for this fictional shuttle-worker to be placed on a shift which involved taking a shuttle through the gravity well to Gaiah .
14 With house prices likely to have fallen by around 5% in 1992 , a further decline in prices of 2%-3% this year would be sufficient for this traditional trough to be reached .
15 For this weak semblance to be rendered strong ,
16 Unlike Boltzmann 's formula for the entropy of a gas , that of Gibbs applies to liquids and solids as well ; but it pays for this greater generality by being applicable unambiguously only to systems that are in equilibrium .
17 For this protective advertisement to be effective , it must be seen ; so these frogs , unlike most others , are active not at night but during the day , moving boldly around the forest floor , confident and secure in their brilliant livery .
18 The objections to poststructuralism at one level therefore represent merely the latest version of the Romantic nostalgia for this unfallen totality of being .
19 For this new pill to be of real help , we need a change in the law , making it easier to get abortions .
20 The Leader of the House should make time next week for this urgent matter to be discussed .
21 Uranium comes in two isotopes , U and U. It is U that releases energy ; but 99.28% of natural uranium is U. For this natural uranium to be made more potent it must be enriched in U , which means sorting through the uranium and discarding some of the U. A little enrichment — to a U content of 2–6% — is good enough for most reactors , though some can work with unenriched uranium and some research reactors use highly enriched uranium .
22 How can it be acceptable for this beautiful beach to be shipped away in unlimited quantities under planning permissions granted by Ministers on appeal 30 years ago ?
23 ‘ Tell me , my lady — is it mere courtesy that makes the bells ring , that makes moonlight of a sudden more desirable than sunlight and makes one yearn for this Twelfth Night to be of the past ?
24 We argued for a more discriminating balance of questions , statements and instructions ; for fewer pseudo-questions and more questions of a kind which encourage children to reason and speculate ; for more opportunities for children themselves to ask their own questions and have these addressed ; for oral feedback to children which without being negative is more exact and informative than mere praise ; for both questioning and feedback to strike a balance between the retrospective function of assessing and responding to what has been learned so far , and the prospective function of taking the child 's learning forward ; and for much more use to be made of structured pupil-pupil interaction both as a learning tool and as a means of helping teachers to function in a more considered manner and therefore more effectively .
25 She called for much more effort to be made to provide an aesthetic environment where some sense of personal identity and dignity is preserved .
26 The accounts for each subsidiary undertaking shall be prepared on the same basis as those for the company or such adjustments shall be made on consolidation to amend the accounts of each subsidiary undertaking to be equivalent to accounts prepared on such a basis .
27 The accounts for each subsidiary undertaking shall be prepared on the same basis as those for the company or such adjustments shall be made on consolidation to amend the accounts of each subsidiary undertaking to be equivalent to accounts prepared on such a basis .
28 We have to somehow recognise and then become free of that overwhelming fear of being engulfed by the demands and powerful feelings in some clients and their families .
29 There was even , as we have seen , the chance of some vicarious pleasure to be gained from some of the new manifestations .
30 The alternative approach has two stages , thus : i ) forecast the likely total available market for the period ; ii ) forecast the likely share of this total market to be obtained by the company .
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