Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun] of [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 This chance is increased by 10% for each point of Strength the character has over 4 and reduced by 10% for each point of Strength the character has below 4 .
2 This chance is increased by 10% for each point of Strength the character has over 4 and reduced by 10% for each point of Strength the character has below 4 .
3 But quite a few samples are thought to have nitrogens of about 1.4% , and for that quality of sample the suggestion in the trade is that a premium of up to £20/t could be available , though this is compared with a spot feed market that has been weakening over the past week .
4 For some directions of emission the negative energy photon will cross the horizon .
5 For this type of activity the ‘ film type ’ program can provide what is needed for a whole class with little teacher intervention .
6 For this type of picture the bit image file comes into its own .
7 erm At the beginning of the social services committee meeting Mr moved a resolution which he previously moved at the social services planning sub-committee which listed most of the things which are presently in the the resolution but it started the social services accept the implication of the director of social services report on the future of the department 's elderly person 's homes erm , after some minutes of debate the er Democrats asked if the Tories would remove that phrase from the resolution and then tha the Democrats , the Liberal Democrats would vote for it the Tories of course er looking gift horses in the mouth as usual , said no and the the that resolution was lost .
8 After many years of debate the United Kingdom became a full participant in the Exchange Rate Mechanism of the European Monetary System in October 1990 .
9 While they advocated and worked for such extensions of democracy the European social democratic parties , whether or not they claimed to be Marxist and revolutionary , were also , for the most part , firmly committed to political democracy in the narrower sense ; and where the necessary conditions were present — the legal existence of socialist parties , elections conducted on the basis of ( at least ) universal male suffrage , and participation in parliament and government — they made plain that although they did not renounce extra-parliamentary forms of class action they envisaged the transition from capitalism to socialism as coming about through the will of a majority of citizens , clearly and publicly expressed in elections .
10 Despite this absence of co-ordination the British government was eager to move against the French and make sure they could not endanger the American colonies .
11 Furthermore , because of this distrust of abstraction the conservative ‘ neither understands those spontaneous forces on which a policy of freedom relies nor possesses a basis for formulating principles of policy ’ .
12 For a more complete account of this field of work the reader is referred to Ellis and Grieger ( 1977 ) , Dryden ( 1984 ) .
13 What a lot of this sort of thing the Victorians had needed !
14 If serious conflict breaks out with regard to any one of these types of demand the result will be either a neurosis ( conflict between the ego and the id ) , a manic-depressive disorder ( conflict between the ego and the superego ) , or a psychosis ( conflict between the ego and reality ) .
15 The aim of all schools of initiation the world over has always been to guide a human mind from an ordinary state of consciousness which is considered as a conscious state of ignorance or illusion , to a higher , more aware , enlightened condition .
16 His book , Gloomy Memories of the Highlands , was a strident counter-blast to Harriet Beacher Stowe 's volume , Happy Memories of Foreign Lands , which included a glowing account of many acts of kindness the Duke and Duchess of Sutherland had bestowed upon their people .
17 The memory of Alexander remained one of those pieces of folklore the Jews could share with their neighbours .
18 It turns out that for these kinds of DNA the rate of change in evolution is much higher than it is for the more constrained , ‘ coding ’ , regions .
19 Against that sort of background the old-style domestic homicide seems almost cosy . ’
20 Ryn station was one of his favourite haunts , or rather its approaches , ‘ the cinder path with the poplars … then the ditch full of duckweed , then the brown-grey soil of spaded potato fields , or plots planted with greenish purple-red cabbage … behind this stretch of ground the red-rusted or black rails in yellow sand ; here and there stacks of old timber — heaps of coal — discarded railway carriages . ’
21 For all types of custody the proportion of all ethnic minorities in the prison population was higher than in the general population .
22 With that backdrop of hair the small round shoulders gained in defencelessness and pallor — but come on , the Isles was no place for local contrasts .
23 But faced with that kind of opposition the Yek would simply re-form and attack again , learning from each engagement until either they discovered how to defeat their adversaries or they were wiped out .
24 With this type of wave the swash , or rush of water up the beach from the breaking wave , is weak as the water plunges directly on to the beach .
25 With this type of scan the room reservations for every room for any given day can be brought into view .
26 With this easy-availability of text the size of corpora becoming available are orders of magnitude larger than those originally envisioned .
27 Obviously with this sort of music the ideas are n't going to be : ‘ Yes , my girlfriend is a nurse and I would like a job in the pit ’ .
28 Thirdly , with this method of composition the lack of a fixed light source , the arbitrary juxtaposition of light and dark , becomes a consistent and , indeed , a salient feature of the style .
29 On the other hand , a critic who represents object texts in a mode akin to free indirect speech operates under an obligation to represent with some degree of fidelity the texts that he or she purports to ventriloquise .
30 It merely states that the normal and primary justification of any authority has to establish that it is qualified to follow with some degree of success the principles which should govern the decisions of all authorities .
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