Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun] [prep] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Communist Party of Great Britain , which was thus excluded from the Labour Party on its foundation was by far the most important Left minority in existence in the 1930s although it had to compete with the ILP for that position at least until 1935 .
2 You might also prefer to work to a looser tension for this type of all over cable pattern .
3 The access road is not a major item for this committee until well beyond the year two thousand and four .
4 Er trading standards continue to be under pressure er we ought to agree on that er and we I I believe we may not have difficulty er in achieving the additional value of this type of almost on an annual basis if we are short of the trading standards .
5 As I say the variations on the system are alteration of this summation in here to a product or .
6 Anyone interested in any of these items can bid by phoning any one of these numbers before 8pm on June 1 — Portadown 331013 , 330209 or Loughgall 891605 .
7 The only answer was a low shout of many voices from outside in the distance , coming closer .
8 What do you say to the fathers , and I have had dozens from up and down the country contacting me , what do you say to the fathers like that chap over there in th in the front row , who has handed over sometimes tens of thousands of pounds , he 's done his bit , he 's had it rubber stamped by the court , he 's gone ahead in good faith and made his his his future , and then the Child Support Agency comes along and just without so much as a by your leave pulls the rug .
9 agree with that lady over there about er Queen , I think she does a wonderful job and , it 's come through lately there like she just suffers the same as any natural mother , their family , the way they live , the way their
10 It 's lined up with that lamp over there on the other wall , ’ said Dick .
11 The version Cranko first appears in 1850 , but the two versions competed with each other at least until the end of the decade .
12 Alice , familiar with this situation from somewhere in her well-stocked past , knew that there was little that could be done ; in fact it would get worse .
13 They were the words he had been wanting to hear and with an exultant roar , and with both arms at once around her , he pulled her close up to him .
14 We will be publishing pictures of two of these in each issue from now until January 1992 .
15 When it was formed in 1919 AIB was a branch of the old Air Ministry which controlled civil aviation as well as the Royal Air Force , and it remained in that department until immediately after the Second World War when the Ministry of Civil Aviation was formed .
16 All these pots and pans put them in that corner over there for me
17 All you have to do is lower me down in this bucket to just above the sea .
18 In some districts at least in the 1760s and 1770s , jenny spinners could earn as much as many weavers .
19 Ceolred was remembered in some quarters at least as a profligate , but Wilfridian circles seem to have believed that Wilfrid could have worked well with him ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 64 ) .
20 In Cornwall and the Midland Valley of Scotland it has been upgraded to a new digital standard , developed with Bergen University , which permits telephone access to sensors in these areas from anywhere in the United Kingdom or overseas .
21 Now the company want permission to work up to 20 Sundays in any year from 7.30am until 4.30pm .
22 A C.B. is a radio that people can talk to each other on rather like a telephone but it is not private as anyone who has a C.B. can listen in to your conversations .
23 She had awakened early , busied herself with her bags and , while she had waited for the taxi repeatedly told herself that men were a species that she would avoid at all costs from here on in .
24 An effort of this kind would have been quite beyond the office 's powers at any time until well into the nineteenth century .
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