Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun] [prep] [pron] to " in BNC.

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1 The argument is feeble , but made a natural appeal to those who wanted to prove racial inferiority , e.g. of blacks to whites — or for that matter of anyone to whites .
2 A constitutional amendment first proposed in 1789 , designed to prohibit a Congress from voting pay rises for itself while in session , finally achieved during May the approval of enough states for it to be incorporated in the Constitution .
3 Robert Maxwell has deployed this tactic with considerable success to limit the circulation of several books about him to which he has taken exception .
4 And , by the Married Women 's Property Act 1964 , any money derived by a wife from an allowance made by her husband for housekeeping purposes , or any property acquired out of it , is deemed , in the absence of any agreement between them to the contrary , to belong in equal shares to the husband and wife .
5 Last month Amnesty International called for all charges against him to be withdrawn and concluded : ‘ At every stage the behaviour of the authorities has been in open defiance of the authority of the courts and the rule of law . ’
6 He calculated that 10,000 women lost their lives annually due to this rite and he campaigned with many others for it to be banned .
7 Well it seems to me that there was obviously enough information in that plan for you to be able to understand very very clearly what , what was wanted and what was going to be done .
8 I 'll even throw in some henna for you to tart it up . ’
9 Im happy in some ways for us to be ignored .
10 ‘ Within the hearing or sight of a person ’ This point means that the offence must be near enough to another person(s) for it to be heard or seen .
11 There must be an intention on both sides for there to be legal consequences in the event of a breach , in order to constitute a binding contract .
12 Colchester police issued a photograph of Lisa and appealed for any sightings of her to be reported .
13 And I have n't come across any notes from me to me , so obviously I 'm not going to go back into the past and leave anything for me to discover in the future , which is the present .
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