Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] with [noun] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After opening with rounds of 73–74–71 , the Cheshire county player was level with Stuart MacPherson of Felixstowe on 218 with a round to go .
2 After washing with TBS for 1 minute , bound antibody was detected using indirect immunohistochemistry .
3 After dining with Pétain in 1918 ( where he had clearly not enjoyed his wonted social success ) , Colonel Repington noted in his diary : ‘ Freezing formality as usual .
4 So solving the difficulty involves a combination of understanding with memorisation of particular examples .
5 Assessing , and intervening in , problems of bullying with pupils with special needs
6 A drink problem is less to do with enjoying alcohol than with using it as a means of coping with pressures of various kinds .
7 The problems of coping with growth in attractive , prosperous sub-regions
8 Instead of dealing with problems of low paid and increasing the number of inspectors , the government is going to abolish them completely .
9 So , first of all , the method of dealing with things in such a changed manner has to be put over to people and I think the links , which were traditional , which no longer apply , have to be and it must be a link going out in directions like this .
10 So instead of dealing with sort of high trying to push everything So if you bring your voltage down from two forty volts to say you could get a a transformer , a battery eliminator , for a tape recorder .
11 Similarly , the right hemisphere 's superior visuo-spatial performance is derived from its synthetic , holistic manner of dealing with information with ambiguous instruction simply to match the similar stimuli .
12 Similarly , the right hemisphere 's superior visuo-spatial performance is derived from it synthetic , holistic manner of dealing with information with ambiguous instruction simply to match the similar stimuli .
13 He had very little experience of dealing with situations like this .
14 We can do no more for the time being , then , than acknowledge that a refined version of associative theory might be capable of dealing with features of latent inhibition that constitute problems for a theory which relies solely on the context — stimulus association for its explanation .
15 Many parents still expected their sons to have a ‘ sound ’ mathematics education and I 'm sure the idea of playing with bits of coloured paper and Sellotape instead of doing ‘ proper ’ maths like they had to , would have horrified some of our parents .
16 ( 1 ) For the administration of licensing with respect to alcoholic liquor on and after July 1 , 1977 , Scotland shall have licensing boards constituted in accordance with the provisions of this section .
17 At Barclays we have a wide range of finance facilities , each with its own options — plus enormous experience of working with businesses of all kinds .
18 The idea of working with families of elderly people has been more fully explored in American social work texts .
19 We find that : ( i ) there is disutility from being unemployed , with individuals disliking unemployment even more after the first three months ; ( ii ) unemployment benefits have no effect on the behaviour of the unemployed individuals after the first three months ; ( iii ) income receipts other than unemployment benefits and earnings have only a very small effect ; ( iv ) the conditional probability of leaving the unemployment spell shows no sign of decreasing with duration for most of the members of our sample , while 50% of the teenage men have an increasing hazard ; ( v ) the effects of unemployment benefits on the expected duration varies with age ; the average elasticity of 0.12 is much smaller than those estimated by NNS and NN , who used the same data set but different models .
20 It is rather like working with people from other countries ; there may be good communication at one level , but at the same time one has the sense of the difference of cultures .
21 There is the formal negotiating process associated with bargaining with unions over such wide ranging issues as annual pay agreements , working practices and changes in method , introducing new technologies , procedural agreements and many other topics .
22 Or a mature student , apprehensive about coping with study after such a long absence , worried about managing financially and missing your children and family ?
23 This , in turn , might account for our difficulty in dealing with objects through academic studies dominated by language .
24 Britain has been notoriously ineffective in dealing with offences like financial fraud , market manipulation and insider dealing .
25 Not only has the Government failed to appreciate the importance of the fare mechanisms and allocated systems such as BR 's Business Systems division in dealing with complexities of out-and-back fares on journeys where a multiplicity of different routings are available .
26 There are several basic steps you can take to make yourself more effective in dealing with professionals of all kinds .
27 A letter has gone from members of the West Yorkshire Ecumenical Council — a body in which Christian leaders co-operate in dealing with matters of common interest — to Mr Robin Squire MP , Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Environment .
28 In dealing with questions of urban development , there is some point in making a twofold division between Urban Development Corporations ( UDCs ) on the one hand , and other development initiatives on the other .
29 This goal had important consequences for the role given , not only to critical or scholarly commentaries and other incrustations upon the essential text , but also to the teacher : " In dealing with literature in any full sense , to efface oneself , to stand away , between the child and literature , is the highest and not the easiest of duties which the teacher can undertake " .
30 The greatest differences between the groups were in understanding the different ideas ( propositions ) in a sentence , in dealing with problems of grammatical unpredictability , and most simply of all , in recognising words .
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