Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] that it [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , in 1781 the philosopher Immanuel Kant wrote a monumental and very obscure work , The Critique of Pure Reason , in which he concluded that there were equally valid arguments both for believing that the universe had a beginning and for believing that it did not .
2 Secure employment will come from embracing new technology , not from pretending that it does not exist .
3 Law ( b ) is more falsifiable than law ( a ) , which is tantamount to saying that it claims more , that it is the better law .
4 Downing Street sought to explain the decision by saying that it had not been on his diary anyway .
5 Doreen , loyal to her role of concubine , had tried to cheer him up by saying that it had never been so good .
6 During negotiations between Syria and Israel the head of the Syrian delegation , Muwaffaq al-Allaf , was reported to have raised immediately the issue of UN Resolution 242 , stating that Israel continued to distort the interpretation of the resolution by claiming that it did not demand a withdrawal from the occupied territories .
7 The monetary role enabled the coin to function properly as a coin by ensuring that it circulated smoothly and without interruption .
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