Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] a [adj -er] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 And they have argued that , whilst feminism should indeed always have a critical relationship to psychoanalytic theory , the latter has within it the potential for allowing a better understanding of the complexities of human desires and of the psychological construction of ‘ masculinity ’ and ‘ femininity ’ .
2 Many women used the campaign as a means of deepening feminist consciousness and as a platform for launching a wider programme of demands .
3 On the contrary , the maintenance of meaningful links with the birth family appear to be beneficial to children , to their sense of identity and self esteem and for gaining a better understanding of their genealogical background and adoption circumstances .
4 By the time the PAC had returned to the negotiating table in April , after boycotting an earlier round of talks within the framework of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa , it had adopted a highly equivocal stand on violence , committing itself to a negotiated settlement but asserting its right to continue the ‘ armed struggle ’ .
5 After missing an earlier deadline of December 1990 and a series of other target dates for completing the round , negotiators were trying to meet GATT Secretary-General Arthur Dunkel 's new target of April [ see p. 38746 ] .
6 The increased costs of including a greater number of photographs and other illustrations in the specialist brochures may be offset in part by the fact that fewer of this type are required .
7 Although emphasis was initially upon recognition of the variety of landscape features , sediments and structures that could be developed under periglacial conditions , the potential subsequently arose of developing a greater knowledge of phases of periglacial landscape development , and in Poland and other countries in Europe this emphasis was clearly evident in research in the 1960s and much of the research was reflected in Periglacial Geomorphology ( Embleton and King , 1975 ) which was one of two books to derive from the earlier Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology ( Embleton and King , 1968 ) .
8 As we began to develop a feasible research design we had in mind initially the broad aim of developing a clearer picture of the referral and investigative work of the team .
9 It assesses , in detail , the present situation and possible future developments in the United Kingdom , places these developments in the context of similar activities in other advanced industrial nations ; and should draw generalisable conclusions on means of securing a readier acceptance of new technologies by the public as consumers and as citizens .
10 The future of the breed in Australia looks to be in good hands , although some moves towards getting a clearer definition of type must be made .
11 They can backfire they can lead to some injustices but what they are is a signal that other methods of getting a better representation of women in parliament , in local councils has really not worked .
12 The greater pity is this : that because the terms of reference misidentified industrial democracy , the chance of getting a better perception of it , of its value and of the possibility of advancing it , was missed .
13 Any expectations he may have had of inheriting a larger share of the Angevin Empire were fading fast .
14 Often , too , women undertake a special religious vow of performing a greater number of such purity rites at a particular time of the year , followed by a ritual worship of her husband .
15 However , against the obvious conclusion that small groups are more effective one must set the increased managerial challenges of having a larger number of groups .
16 ( ii ) It must be a matter for policy and operational decision by the police as to how they reconcile and balance the need on the one hand to bring an individual offender swiftly to book and deter crime , and on the other , the desirability of apprehending a larger number of offenders and recovering property ( post , p. 238A–B ) .
17 Clearly , it must be a matter for policy and operational decision by the police as to how they reconcile and balance the need on the one hand to bring an individual offender swiftly to book and deter crime , and on the other , the desirability of apprehending a larger number of offenders and recovering property .
18 For the French king , the opportunity of exercising a greater measure of control over Brittany , with its maritime outlets , was not to be missed .
19 The annual celebration of the ‘ World day of the Sick ’ , therefore , has the manifest purpose of making the People of God and , as a consequence , the many Catholic health care institutions and civil society itself , more aware of the necessity of ensuring the best possible care for the infirm ; of helping the sick person to make the most of suffering , on the human level , but most of all on the supernatural one ; of especially helping the dioceses , Christian communities and religious families to be involved in the health care of apostolate ; of enhancing the ever more valuable commitment of volunteers ; or reminding people of the importance of the spiritual and moral training of health care workers , and last of all of creating a better understanding of the importance of religious care for the sick among diocesan and religious priests , as well as among those who live and work at the side of the person in pain .
20 Feminists isolated male sexuality as the target for reforming intervention , in the interests of creating a higher standard of purity among men .
21 Improving the quality and relevance of the inputs to the procedure is undoubtedly an important part of the process of achieving a better system of resource allocation .
22 One way of ensuring a fairer distribution of additional resources is for schools to work together on joint fund raising .
23 If such a trade-off exists , one benefit of tolerating a higher rate of inflation will be a lower level of unemployment .
24 It was not therefore unexpected that the Thatcher government introduced legislation which reduced the amount of supplementary benefit payable to strikers and which made their trade union responsible for paying a higher amount of strike pay .
25 Marking for tense and aspect , then , are other communicative devices for getting features of context into focus , for providing a sharper definition of what words mean in relation to the external world .
26 There is , however , an irrefutable case for giving a greater degree of protection to fishermen resident in the Hebrides and the North of Scotland generally .
27 Enterprising market economies are always — always , not sometimes — more effective in producing a higher standard of living and a better quality of life than those in which Governments try to run too much themselves .
28 Braverman quotes the editorial of a 1918 edition of the International Molders Journal , noting that ‘ A half-century of commentary on scientific management has not succeeded in producing a better formulation of the matter ’ ( Braverman 1974 , 136 ) :
29 If a profit is equivalent to surplus labour , then the capitalist , in keeping a larger share of the surplus than is given to the workers , is in effect ‘ stealing ’ from them , although what amounts to theft is written into an agreement and therefore not recognised as such .
30 If this interpretation is correct , then evolutionism may have played a role in promoting a greater awareness of environmental fragility mainly through its Lamarckian rather than its Darwinian version .
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