Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] the [noun] to be " in BNC.

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1 Even the Secret Committee had a reason for allowing the Rescript to be promulgated : by committing itself to a relatively modest programme of reform , the government seemed to be discouraging radicals from pressing their case .
2 In pre-summit manoeuvres , European trade union leaders also warned of the ‘ danger of social strife ’ if the 1992 market arrived without proper social protection for workers and criticised France for allowing the Charter to be watered down in a doomed effort to win Mrs Thatcher 's support .
3 Underspendings from Kensington Chelsea and Westminster ( on its demise ) eventually provided a source for enabling the strategy to be implemented , and the regional health authority contributed £1.8 million as a loan from its Strategic Development Fund .
4 In recent years it has become the practice in leases granted for more than five years or so to contain some machinery for enabling the rent to be reviewed , either continuously or at periodic intervals .
5 If you talk about believing the Bible to be true and then go out and pick on someone who you do n't get on with , your friends may remind you that the Bible has something to say about Christians loving their enemies !
6 If however , it can be said that the employee had reasonable grounds for believing the information to be part of knowledge properly acquired during his employment then his defence will succeed .
7 In the case of the Shipbuilding Engineering and Repairing Bill in 1976 , it was not appreciated until the Bill was well under way that it was , by reason of naming the firms to be affected in a schedule , a hybrid Bill and its passage had to be deferred in order that the above procedures could be gone through .
8 This has the consequence of enabling the degree to be taken in two rather than the normal three years .
9 More informal pain assessment may be used , taking into account physiological and behavioural indices and the invasiveness of current treatment , with the aim of enabling the baby to be relaxed but responsive to carers .
10 But magistrates found them guilty on a lesser charge of causing the animal to be terrified .
11 The madness of enjoying the fruits before they were grown ; the madness of believing the dream to be the fact ; the madness of not seizing the best chance he had ever had which would also be his last chance in England .
12 It has been held under the drink/driving law that the object of requiring the officer to be ‘ in uniform ’ was to ensure that the constable would be easily recognised as such by the public .
13 Notice that eqn ( 10.3d ) has the effect of requiring the wave to be orthogonal to the time axis as well as to the direction of propagation in space .
14 No clearer way of indicating the path to be trod could have been made .
15 Now , one can not have what I have called a ‘ would-be belief ’ that something is x unless there is at least the possibility of taking the thing to be x .
16 Particular attention is being paid to the task of connecting the models to be developed to the most important planning problems ; and so this will include , for example , the relationship between unemployment and the reshaping of the labour market through changing industrial and service structures .
17 They also accused the ruling Arena party of delaying tactics to obstruct the emergence of the FMLN as a political force capable of winning the elections to be held in 1994 .
18 Although the idea of COSE has been kicking around for more than a year now , it was the possibility of missing the opportunity to be a part of a very public announcement on the opening day of the UniForum show that finally drove some of the parties to the table — and final agreement was reached barely 48 hours before Wednesday 17 , opening day of the San Francisco event .
19 Although the idea of COSE has been kicking around for more than a year now , it was the possibility of missing the opportunity to be a part of a very public announcement on the opening day of the UniForum show that finally drove some of the parties to the table .
20 This made the total cost of erecting the lift to be an estimated £27,000 .
21 ( a ) He can arrest where he has reasonable grounds for suspecting that an arrestable offence has been committed and he has reasonable grounds for suspecting the person to be guilty of the offence .
22 Had she for instance dictated that the partner should offer resistance this would have been a relatively crude way of ‘ tightening ’ the structure compared with instructing the listener to be in a ‘ counsellor ’ role .
23 With experience gained in using the microcomputer both in and out of school , the school librarian should , before presenting the report , be confident enough in using the microcomputer to be able to demonstrate its uses and suggest potential uses to staff such as the school 's Head of Resources .
24 Data archives need to be proactive in encouraging the data to be used as well as providing a flexible and supportive service to potential users .
25 As Tower Hamlets had not consented to the proposed user Chetnik were prohibited during the material period from allowing the warehouses to be occupied .
26 We are not engaged in proving the universe to be nomic , or defying it to step out of line .
27 Since the barons of Auvergne are reported to have stated that their province belonged of old to the duchy of Aquitaine , the Old King was being remarkably easy-going in allowing the dispute to be referred to another commission of inquiry .
28 Staff senior to the area supervisor play an active part in shaping the standard to be set only rarely , in cases involving what a supervisor described as ‘ very contentious issues : possibly major discharges from the Authority 's own works or from industrial activity where there has been a history of wrangling and debate about standards from that particular section of the industry ’ .
29 If some anthropologists , such as Geertz , are interested in the webs of significance humans spin for themselves , while others , such as Sahlins , are more focused on the processes of how those webs are spun , both groups reveal the central role of the interpreter in shaping the material to be represented and in organising the structures in which the representations occur .
30 Adulthood is , thus , largely perceived in consensual terms with the emphasis being upon enabling the individual to be ‘ as normal as possible ’ .
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