Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [conj] there [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I think also you would expect children who are really quite young , well before the first year , to be showing social interest in other adults around , and if they 're not it might be worth checking that there is n't some problem with the child .
2 I think also you would expect children who are really quite young , well before the first year , to be showing social interest in other adults around , and if they 're not it might be worth checking that there is n't some problem with the child .
3 A nesting box must be positioned in an area that has no existing barn owl settlement , after checking that there are enough small mammals to feed an expanding population .
4 It is worth remembering that there are still people in Britain today who have never been to London .
5 Well , yes , it 's very interesting , but I 'm not sure it 's working in the same direction as almost implied by your question of implying that there was almost too much .
6 Well it 's very interesting , but I 'm not sure it 's working in the same direction as almost implied by your question of implying that there was almost too much .
7 Now I offer that as a little illustration of the difficulties of saying that there are deep national dispositions between one nation and another , which exist inside in some sort of permanent , rock-like way .
8 This might lead us to conclude that in the case where taxes can not bear the additional charges resulting from depreciation accounting ( which is another way of saying that there is not the political will to impose them ) , in order to retain control of the charge to revenue accounts , the existing system will remain .
9 A visual mean of basal UOS pressure was determined from each edited minute of tracing if there were more than 14 seconds remaining after editing .
10 Firstly , just by supplying paradigm instances of high and low art , he has gone no way towards showing that there is not an area of genuine indeterminacy in between .
11 I thought you might stand a better chance of winning if there were n't enough votes .
12 It is the simplest and cheapest way of injecting since there is generally a slurry tanker already on the farm .
13 It 's worth noting that there 's now little real price differential between the top of the page printer market and the bottom of the imagesetting market .
14 It is worth noting that there are not a few cases where constructions containing postverbal adjectives are equivalent to different structures having the same subject and the same adjectival and verbal properties , but with the former now in ordinary predicative position and the latter replaced by an adverb : ( 61 ) Mario seemed regretful Mario was apparently regretful ( 62 ) the sharks remain dangerous the sharks are still dangerous This is exactly what could have been expected , given structure ( 47 ) .
15 In spite of the fact that since the Clean Air Act of 1956 , pollution caused by smoke has been greatly reduced to the benefit of those who live in the cities , we must not fool ourselves into thinking that there is no longer any problem .
16 The delight at the judgment which was ascribed to John Hegarty in the July issue of ACCOUNTANCY perhaps goes too far in suggesting that there is now mutual recognition of firms within the EC .
17 ( It might be noted in passing that there were scarcely any examples known to the social workers from any team of elderly people being referred from households where other family members were also clients . )
18 Nowadays we are justified in saying that there is only a difference of intensity between this school and the manifestations which preceded it . ’
19 You were right in saying that there was very bad press given to hormone replacement therapy in in the early days when they used very high doses of of er un er , of normal oestrogens and this caused an increase in the amount of end of uterus , uterine cancer and this I think has generally er mo mo mo ruined the course for for the older doctors because they still think that it 's associated with an increase in cancer and they have n't got up to date to realise that the more modern preparations are not causing this and that 's where I think th the problems li lie .
20 Lord Tyrrell , the former diplomat , who became BBFC President in 1935 , notoriously declared that ‘ we may take pride in observing that there is not a single film showing in London today which deals with any of the burning questions of the day . ’
21 If Mill 's argument succeeds in showing that there is even only a little evidence in its favour , there will be more evidence in favour than against ; and we should therefore accept the hypothesis .
22 It is in both the firm 's and the consumer s interests that this is for some extended period : in the case of the latter because search costs ( presumably ) are finite and so will not be worth incurring if there is only some probability of finding low prices , unless the benefits are substantial .
23 IN spite of all the encouragement handed out by England in the shape of team trips here and there , it goes without saying that there are always individuals who , at the end of the day , will feel that they have not had a fair crack of the whip .
24 J. H. Eaton , a magistrate , declared : ‘ It almost goes without saying that there is hardly a case that comes before our courts , to which the natives are parties , in which this crime [ perjury ] is not more or less freely indulged . ’
25 Not only did the king have a spare hour for what turned out to be an excellent interview in the palace gardens , but on learning that there was now no plane to take us home until Monday , laid on two helicopters to take us all on a Sunday outing to Petra ( the ‘ rose red city half as old as time ’ ) , then on to Aqaba on the Red Sea for lunch and a swim , and home across the desert and the black tents of the Bedouins in the evening .
26 In this respect my position will amount to thinking that there are intrinsically prescriptive features to reality , but this will not be done by blurring the distinction between judgements about how the world is characterised and the ways in which we respond to it , as with McDowell .
27 When allowance is made for the hours needed for sleep and eating and keeping fit and carrying out Union and Society activities , you would be pardoned for thinking that there are not many left to be used for organising a study programme .
28 Althusser 's entire , and necessary , critique of the ‘ Hegelian ’ concept of history and of the notion of an expressive totality , etc. , aims at showing that there is not one single history , a general history , but rather histories different in their type , rhythm , mode of inscription — intervallic , differentiated histories .
29 Finally , it is perhaps worth concluding this section by emphasizing that there is still much controversy among the scientific community about the magnitude of many of the effects being discussed .
30 The scope of the present debate will now be expanded by examining whether there are more substantial grounds than those so far considered for regarding companies as ‘ private ’ bodies .
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