Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [art] [noun] [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 The 28-year-old champion was booed after taking a points decision over Hitchin 's Danny Porter at the Scottish Exhibition Centre but he said : ‘ They are the mugs , not me . ’
2 Other demands included the resignation of television director-general Pavel Pisarev , whom the students accused of maintaining a news blackout over the election irregularities and over protest demonstrations .
3 1776 The Meeting stent themselves with the Expence of Building the Timber Bridge over the water of Duich performed by Hugh McKay £6 ; 0:0 .
4 ONE OF the beauties of doing the football pools over the years has been their simplicity , writes Mike Aitken .
5 The concept of running a road bridge over a listed , 140-year-old railway viaduct seems simple enough but has never been tried before in this country .
6 Among the merry passengers were a group of Scotland 's most adventurous old tars , hell bent on celebrating a mid-week victory over Wales .
7 The special qualities of ‘ Scotch ’ depend on drying the barley malt over burning peat , the quality of Scottish water , and the skill of the blenders .
8 HEALTH MINISTERS met secretly at Chevening last week to agree a strategy for winning the propaganda battle over the Government 's NHS changes .
9 To be paid to John Taylor , waulking miller , for making a Timber Bridge over the water at the Lint Mill £2 ; 0:0 .
10 If even this measure were deemed politically unacceptable , then by maintaining the £30,000 limit over time , the real value of the relief would , of course , decline .
11 By scattering the fertiliser pellets over his vineyard the vigneron is helping to restore the vine 's balance of resources .
12 Instead , distract your child 's attention from the buckles by fitting a play tray over the top .
13 Existing gullies can be modified by fitting a wire mesh over them with a hole cut to take the waste pipe .
14 We get the flux per unit length by integrating the flux density over the space between the wires ( assumed to be infinitely thin ) , as follows :
15 This is left oversized , the tenons cut on the ends of the back uprights and the positions for the mortises marked off by laying the rail piece over the tenons .
16 Start by laying the weaving yarn over a small amount of needles , then gradually increase the amount of weaving to the centre front before decreasing the length of the rows to match the first half .
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