Example sentences of "[prep] [num] [noun pl] [coord] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You have been Disney Professor of Archaeology at Cambridge for eleven years and since the mid-Sixties you have held posts at the Universities of Sheffield and Southampton .
2 Preheat the oven to 180 C/350 F/Gas Mark 4 and cook for 30–45 minutes or until the potatoes are soft .
3 Tip the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for 30 minutes or until the sponge is springy to the touch .
4 Cover and cook over gentle to moderate heat for 30–35 minutes or until the centres are tender but the potatoes still hold their shape .
5 Cover the casserole dish and cook for 35–40 minutes or until the fish flakes easily .
6 As a safeguard , they recommended that a magistrates ' court should be required to sanction any detention after twenty-four hours and that the suspect should be legally represented at this stage , so that his or her point of view could be put across .
7 He saw that an area 25 feet to 30 feet long and 10 feet to 15 feet broad had subsided to a depth of 2 feet and that the hole was full of water .
8 Another reason why the Greeks may have chosen the number 360 is because they thought the year was made up of 360 days and that the sun went round the earth once a year .
9 In the first place , The Exchange 's rules require that the authority to dispense with an offer of pre-emptive rights shall not last beyond the expiration of 15 months or until the next annual general meeting whichever occurs first .
10 Is the Minister aware that , by 9 January , Bir Zeit university will have been closed continuously for a period of four years and that a generation of young Palestinians will have been denied the right to higher education , which is surely one of the basic fundamental human rights ?
11 Simmer gently for 35 minutes or until the fruit is translucent .
12 Rats received intraperitoneal DMSO at a dose of 550 mg/kg , because previous work had shown that peak concentrations occur within 30 minutes and that the average half life is about six hours at that dose and route of administration .
13 The report says that the Marshall Islanders are likely have to flee their homes within 30 years and that the islands may be the first of the world 's low-lying countries ( mostly Pacific islands ) to be inundated as sea levels rise .
14 Yet it remains that , for the first time in 15 years and since the controversy over abortion , opinions are divided so haphazardly that traditional political alliances have ceased to operate .
15 The Secretary of State , Dean Acheson , warned the American mission in Seoul on 13 April 1949 that information had been received from a source believed to be reliable to the effect that serious trouble might arise in Korea within two months and that the initiative in these developments would be taken by South Korea .
16 Regarding the £4 million , is not telling local authorities that they have to produce schemes within two weeks and that the money has to be spent by March a disorderly way of doing things ?
17 Bake in a preheated 200°C/400°F/Gas 6 oven for 15–20 minutes or until the potatoes are browned .
18 Add the mushrooms and courgette and fry over a medium heat for 8 minutes or until the vegetables are soft .
19 Fujimori had already intimated that the size of such a Congress would be reduced from 240 to 80 deputies and that the " direct participation of the citizenry " would be encouraged in order to counteract the " the traditional elitist dialogues of the party chieftains and union bosses " .
20 This tank increased the London 's range from 1,740 to 2,600 miles and after the cruise ended , was left on the ‘ boats concerned as well as being added to other machines in order to increase patrol range in the event of war .
21 He hedged a bit , saying that the shift might take up to 15 years and that a ministry or two might stay behind .
22 Providing children eat a reasonable variety of foods they do n't really need extra vitamins but as a safeguard it 's recommended to give drops containing vitamins A , C and D from six months to two years and until the age of five if a child is fussy about what she eats .
23 It was explained that this was because the company was perpetually producing new products with life-cycles of two to four years and that the product mixes over the narrow product range in current production were largely set by the available type of capacity over such periods .
24 We returned to Makassar from the Toraja highlands with dangerously diminished funds , realizing that we had been in Celebes for two months and that the chances of finding a prahu which could carry us the nearly two thousand miles to the Aru Islands were remote .
25 The weekend was a bargain at four pounds but as the food arrived I began to see why .
26 Add the cream , bring to the boil ( without letting it boil over ) and cook for 5–10 minutes or until the cream has reduced by a third .
27 Season with pepper , reduce the heat and steadily simmer , uncovered , for 20 minutes or until the flavours have blended and the meat is well cooked .
28 The absence of any relation between birth weight and change in blood pressure percentile rank between 5–7 and 9–11 years suggested that the relation between birth weight and blood pressure is established by 5–7 years and that the subsequent increase in the strength of the association is due to blood pressure tracking and to the increasing dispersion of the blood pressure distribution with age .
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