Example sentences of "[prep] [num] [noun] did [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In one study , fundectomy for 10 weeks did not induce pancreatic hypertrophy .
2 For example , 127 out of 196 schools did not have a single English textbook in grade one and 80 per cent had no maths books .
3 Only three of 16 patients did not report a history of heartburn or acid regurgitation or during the study period ; all three had normal peristalsis and no oesophagitis .
4 I suppose I wrote King Rat to try to find out why I survived and 14 out of 15 others did n't make it .
5 A delay of two hours did n't dampen the enthusiasm of the villagers to greet their adopted Olympian …
6 Throughout 1955 Clift did n't work at all .
7 But , on a slow wicket , their partnership of 97 used up 29 overs , and 217 off 55 overs did not look enough .
8 By the time of Elizabeth 's death in 1603 Englishmen did not rule any more land outside the British Isles than they had done 45 years earlier but their seafaring position had been transformed .
9 Even in 1987 voters did not expect the return of a Labour or Conservative government to make a significant difference .
10 This particular political failure of the post-war welfare policies , to provide equality and not just the opportunity for individual achievement , was set in its turn against the dislocation that my mother 's 1950s represent : welfarism in one country did not embody the desire people felt for the world that had shaped them .
11 They describe some typical conversations in which comments from one person did not link in an expected way to preceding comments — where there seemed to be a very loose connection between what one person said and the next .
12 In 1777 Mozart did not require a check in the pianos he preferred .
13 Only one in seven men did not help their wives at all in the professional/managerial , clerical and skilled classes , although , for the semi-skilled and unskilled , the proportion rose to one in four .
14 Now I am well aware that times have changed and in these more liberal-minded days such a remark might pass with only a raised eyebrow or two , but in 1944 men did not use four-letter swear words in front of girls , be they ever so lowly — and they did n't come much more lowly than we were .
15 A ‘ Simultaneous Mission ’ throughout England and Wales was planned for the first month of the new century ; the Queen 's death on 21 January did not alter plans and some said the mission was helped by the heightened emotions produced by her death .
16 The two subjects in the eight-month restriction study who had already limited themselves to 6 hours did not benefit from the regime , and reverted to their own established norms .
17 Ex parte Good , In re Armitage ( 1877 ) 5 Ch.D. 46 is a case where , on the somewhat special facts , a receipt given to one party did not release the other party .
18 Yet the message which Ho despatched on 15 December did not reach Paris until 26 December , and then yielded no response .
19 As the court on 16 February had remanded Mr. Bell in custody without forming that opinion , the remand was unlawful and the court as constituted on 19 February did not fall within the terms of section 7(5) of the Bail Act 1976 .
20 When the phone rang Sam jolted awake but for two seconds did not register which phone was ringing .
21 At twenty-one Renate did not have the most exciting job in the world , but with her German friends on a radio assembly line she seemed happy and settled .
22 And no , the man who walked past me as I was running up that long hill at 15 miles did n't help much either .
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