Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] over [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Harcourt 's reasons for fleeing Normandy are not entirely clear : he was at odds with the Comte of Tancarville over the office of Chamberlain of Normandy , and he appears to have had personal grievances against Philip VI .
2 But this is surely nitpicking , in what can be viewed as a significant contribution to our knowledge of so many aspects relating to the ordinary citizens of Florence over a period of more than 200 years .
3 Witness the attempt to use the impeachment process against Lincoln 's successor , Andrew Johnson ; the defeat of Wilson over the Treaty of Versailles and the routing of his party in the 1920 election .
4 At one level this meant that the exiguous legal structure of this relationship afforded much social power to the landowner , whose ability to terminate the tenancy at pleasure might hang like a sword of Damocles over the heads of his tenant farmers .
5 Superpowered craft capable of surging across the water at 120mph will take part in a high speed challenge for the class two championship of Europe over the weekend of June 19–20 .
6 However , Russia formally protested to the Council of Europe over the status of Russians in the Baltic states , it was reported in The Baltic Independent of May 15-21 .
7 This was done to ‘ focus light from one of the heavenly bodies , direct and unpolluted , into the Holy of Holies over the heads of the assembled congregation ’ .
8 He also brought to an end , but not without difficulty , the suit which had begun between the archbishop and the chapter of Canterbury over the church of Lambeth , which the same archbishop , against the will of the chapter , had built and endowed with many and substantial rents , instituting canons regular in it — noble men , powerful and educated .
9 During March there were violent protests in a number of areas throughout England over the introduction of the community charge or poll tax , which was to take effect from the beginning of the following month in both England and Wales under the terms of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 [ see p. 36501 ] .
10 Complex political negotiations continued throughout November over the formation of a coalition government , following the October elections [ see pp. 38535-36 ] .
11 Some press reports claimed that Taiwan was also negotiating with Russia over the purchase of Su 27s .
12 But the conflict with Armenia over the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh is never far from anyone 's mind .
13 ‘ Sovereignty ’ is a word open to misunderstanding and one that is used in the sphere of international law ( for example , the dispute with Argentina over the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands ) , and also in the political arena ( for example , in the debates on the United Kingdom 's membership of the European Community and on subsequent issues such as the Single European Act 1986 and European Monetary Union , there was considerable rhetoric on sovereignty ) .
14 Mubarak reportedly emphasized the " pressing " need for pan-Arab unity in the face of a possible renewed confrontation with Israel over the resettlement of Soviet Jews in its occupied territories , at a time when the US-sponsored peace formula for the region had been rejected by Israel .
15 The Palestinian delegation , bolstered by several new members , insisted that it was only prepared to negotiate with Israel over the issue of settlements and over human rights violations in the occupied territories .
16 Following Britain 's recent dispute with China over the stationing of People 's Liberation Army troops in Hong Kong after 1997 , Whitehall has been at pains to keep its distance from the immigration row .
17 BRITISH hopes of returning to normalcy in negotiations with China over the future of Hong Kong appeared to have been thwarted yesterday as the 14th round of Sino-British talks ended with only limited signs of progress .
18 He said Christopher Davies who was working in the shop Butterflys on Grange Road , Darlington , was injured during a fracas with Cowper over the theft of a £11.75 torch .
19 Kasmin had more success with Fischer over the promotion of Francis Bacon .
20 Early in 1953 Britain and Egypt were still deadlocked over the future of the Suez base , while no settlement seemed in prospect to the dispute with Iran over the nationalization of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company .
21 A similar problem arose when the USA had to deal with Iran over the seizure of its Embassy staff in 1979–81 .
22 China has agreed to resume talks with Britain over the future of Hong Kong .
23 There was correspondence with Woburn over the construction of a shelter for orange trees , to be added to an existing wall , with a moveable roof erected every autumn .
24 Furthermore , in order to balance out his marriage alliance with the Calvinist Palatinate , he alarmed and antagonized many of his subjects by conducting protracted negotiations with Madrid over the possibility of a marriage between his son , Charles , and the Spanish Infanta .
25 Marx in the notebooks is opposed to McLennan , Maine , Phear , and other who disagreed with Morgan over the commonality of the gens , principally because they saw society growing out of the individual monogamous family with its private property .
26 The USA would enter into a direct dialogue with Vietnam over the issue of Cambodia .
27 Baker also announced that the USA would enter into a direct dialogue with Vietnam over the issue of Cambodia and that it might be prepared to provide humanitarian aid to the SOC government .
28 I do n't entirely agree with Michael over the business of not being quite so familiar with the work when the children are at secondary school .
29 As Table 4 indicates , substantial changes took place in the structure of residential services in Nottinghamshire over the period of the study .
30 The story goes so far as to suggest that Hewlett-Packard threatened to resign from OSF over the pace of development but changed its mind .
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