Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] and [noun] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the decade 's final timetable , there is an express every 15 minutes ( plus one extra ) between Swindon and Paddington over a two-and-a-half-hour period in the morning rush .
2 The dispute between Czechoslovakia and Hungary over the damming of the Danube at Gabcikovo [ see ED 61 & 63 ] worsened in October as the Slovak authorities , apparently acting on their own initiative in advance of the imminent dissolution of the Czechoslovak federation , instructed contractors to begin the final stage of construction work to divert the river .
3 The chamber will not , however , deal with two cases " out of a total of 11 pending " which are the subject of appeals made prior to its constitution : the question of compensation for Nauru for the effects of phosphate exploitation before its independence from Australia [ see separate item in this issue ] , and the dispute between Hungary and Slovakia over the Gabcikovo dam [ see EDs passim ] .
4 Tension between Hungary and Czechoslovakia over the Gabcikovo hydro-electric dam project increased during February , as Czechoslovakia prepared to resume work on the project , contrary to Hungarian wishes .
5 The controversy between Hungary and Czechoslovakia over the proposed dam on the Danube at Gabcikovo [ see ED 56 ] has intensified , with Hungary abrogating the 1977 treaty between the two countries under which the dam was originally planned .
6 For all the criticisms which can be levelled against it , the work remains a successful attempt to make sense of the complicated relationship which existed between England and France over a period of more than a century at the end of the Middle Ages .
7 In 1324 war broke out between England and France over the destruction by the Seneschal of Gascony of the fortress of Saint Sardos on the border between Gascony and the Agenais , the building of which had been authorized by Charles IV of France in the previous year .
8 Fellow-feeling between Athens and Corinth , occasioned by Megara , is traceable as far back as the time of the Cypselid tyrant of Corinth , Periander : called on to arbitrate between Athens and Lesbos over the possession of Sigeion on the Hellespont , he awarded it to Athens .
9 The dispute between Russia and Ukraine over the Black Sea fleet worsened after more than 200 of the fleet 's ships , which are anchored in Ukrainian waters , hoisted the Russian ensign .
10 Negotiations between Ukraine and Russia over the future of the Black Sea Fleet began in Odessa on April 29 , having twice been postponed .
11 It is a 15 inch gauge railway opened in 1990 and connects the two towns of Wroxham and Aylesham over a distance of some nine miles .
12 The histories of Nicaragua and Mozambique over the past two decades have similarities .
13 Trailed under the four-pointed flags by anxious English abbots , Pope Leo took time to ratify a bull defining the privileges of the great metropolitan church of Hamburg and Bremen over the Swedes , the Danes , the Finns , the Norwegians , and the Baltic Slavs , and over Orkney , Iceland , and Greenland , to take the place of the Pope in these regions , and to ordain bishops for them , as brought into the fold of Christ .
14 See an interesting collection of Cook memorabilia and the story of Whitby and district over the centuries , including shipbuilding and whaling .
15 On Nov. 24 , Tajikistan held presidential elections , following the protests of September and October over the republican communist party and its role during the August coup [ see pp. 38418 ; 38538 ] .
16 If the cavalry were still , in every sense , the army 's natural leaders , the victories of the Flemish burgher forces and militia over French knights at Courtrai in July 1302 , and that of the mountaineers of Schwyz and Uri over the formidable feudal array of knights and footmen belonging to Leopold of Austria at Morgarten in November 1315 had shown what could be done in conditions and terrain unsuited to the effective use of cavalry .
17 Toby continued : ‘ As for this Harley business , we now know that there has been a closer relationship between Martinez and Jefferson over the years than the normal one of agent and manufacturer .
18 ISRAEL : Fighting between Israel and Palestinians over the Occupied Territories captured in the Six Day War of 1967 .
19 The final obstacle was a disagreement between Shas and Mafdal over the distribution of funds to their client religious institutions .
20 But matters soon changed , for he was to become one of the king 's leading and most active councillors and diplomats : on royal service in Paris in 1285 , with the king in Gascony in 1287–9 , presiding with Burnell and others over the trial of royal ministers following the return from Gascony , negotiating for peace in France and Rome in 1296–8 and in France in 1299 , back in Rome and Paris in 1300–1 , and Paris again in 1303 .
21 The Welsh skipper faces an operation on his hernia tomorrow and will miss Wales 's big international clashes with England and France over the next few weeks .
22 I have been leaving messages with Craig and others over the last four weeks asking for you to call me back , but have had no response .
23 FROM Barbondale , a walled track leads along the flanks of Great Coum above Dentdale and Deepdale over the watershed to Kingsdale .
24 Finch finished the movement and then came back to the other room , thinking of how much time he had spent with Henry and Betty over the years .
25 The explicit conflict between Henderson and MacDonald over the meaning of ‘ democratic diplomacy ’ was ultimately less important than the implicit contradictions in Labour 's politics between liberal internationalism and socialist nationalism .
26 The raid on Culquha Farm , Ringford , near Castle Douglas , brings to more than £30,000 the value of sheep , cattle and horses stolen in Dumfries and Galloway over the last 12 months .
27 The six-day separation from William and Harry over the traditional family holiday was the first time Diana had not seen her sons wake up to the excitement of Christmas Day .
28 We maintain a high level of capital expenditure to improve productivity and quality in production and packaging , exemplified by the investment of more than 200 million in Scotland and Spain over the next three years .
29 The number of people in England and Wales over the age of 75 has increased by 20 per cent since 1981 ; and those over 85 by almost 40 per cent , according to the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys .
30 According to the original plan , around 30 tons of plutonium " needed to supply the domestic nuclear-energy programme " would be shipped from reprocessing plants in France and Britain over a 20-year period .
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