Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] be [conj] there is " in BNC.

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1 Their justification for TCG was that there is no fundamental difference between capital gains and income , since they both represent ‘ accretion of economic power ’ and should both , therefore , be taxed .
2 When Christopher Steffen , reportedly a slash and burn merchant when it comes to cutting costs and staff , quit Eastman Kodak Co on Wednesday after just seven weeks in the job of chief financial officer of Eastman Kodak Co , saying that the team was agreed on the objectives , but had irreconcilable differences on how to get from here to there , IBM Corp shares jumped for joy in anticipation that he was about to be named finance chief — but the joy subsided and so did the share price , off 87.5 cents at $49 when nothing happened yesterday ; word out of IBM is that there is an appointment already to be announced , but unless the fact that Steffen is now at a loose end causes a last-minute re-think , he is not the man that IBM has in mind .
3 erm clarification because for people like me that are interested in the total provision of employment land in the district , erm what I 'm hearing for example in the case of Harrogate is that there is an allocation of employment land of of sixty hectares plus the Greater York allocation .
4 One uncomfortable consequence of the seemly recognition of the needs of the rest of Europe is that there is no way of bringing Central Europe into the fold except by letting its members earn their keep , implying a repartition of the industrial division of labour now in place .
5 One good thing about Fuengirola is that there is a Moorish castle ruin on the beach at the southern end .
6 One of the I 'm sure one of the results of Britain 's closer links with Europe is that there is greater contact between churches speaking different languages across these Catholic/Protestant boundaries .
7 The facts of the matter in Oxford are that there is an enormous housing crisis and that affects people at all levels .
8 ‘ The problem for us in Wales is that there is the potential for massive job losses . ’
9 A problem with the design used by Spear is that there is no guarantee that the two groups learned equally readily during aversive training with the odour cue .
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