Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [num] and [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The elections had originally been scheduled for January 1990 and then postponed to Feb. 18 when they were abandoned soon after polling started upon the observation of irregularities , and Djohar 's rivals accused him of vote-rigging .
2 This was the question of the hour for much of January 1991 and thoroughly documented by Platt 's .
3 At the time of writing Auckland have won an away challenge against Marlborough 55–3 and then beaten Otago 21–16 at Eden Park .
4 The Aug. 6 statement was accompanied by a photograph of United States hostage Terry Anderson , kidnapped in March 1985 and now detained for longer than any other of the Westerners captive in Lebanon .
5 The castle and walled town of Conwy , adjudged together to be ‘ incomparably the most magnificent of Edward I 's Welsh fortresses ’ ( Sir J. Goronwy Edwards , q.v. , 1944 ) were begun in March 1283 and virtually completed by late 1287 .
6 Details of the ‘ community charge reduction scheme ’ were produced in January 1991 and then modified in March 1991 .
7 The principle of this Lift is shewn in the general plan , section and details prepared in January 1886 and now completed and submitted to you .
8 Gary was a steady , reliable , unspectacular right-back , who joined the Palace at Alan Mullery 's instigation in January 1983 and certainly helped to bolster our somewhat suspect defence in the trying days of the early mid-1980s .
9 Formed in May 1983 and formally launched that August , it had grown rapidly into a mass-membership anti-apartheid organization , its initial focus being its opposition to the regime 's " tricameral " constitutional plans [ see p. 32599 ] .
10 First flown in piston form in May 1959 and then introduced as a turboprop of quite alarming STOL capabilities from May 1961 , the Porter family is still in limited production at Stans and commands very high regard in the market as the ultimate in aerial ‘ jeeps ’ .
11 With the bishop of Winchester he presented Kilwardby with his pallium in May 1273 and immediately set out for Burgundy to meet Edward I on his return from crusade .
12 Brenda had been born in May 1925 and therefore conceived during the previous August when Helena was still second housemaid at Chesney Hall .
13 The party 's considered response to these and other discussions was a draft Programme , ‘ Socialism , Democracy , Progress ’ , which was approved by a Central Committee plenum in July 1991 and subsequently published for discussion .
14 Others who have come and gone include Anthony Simonds-Gooding , former chairman and chief executive of the communications division , who left in October 1987 and later joined British Satellite Broadcasting .
15 She works in Bank of Ireland , 85 James ' Street , Dublin , having joined at Clearing Department , Cabinteely in October 1978 and subsequently worked in St. Stephen 's Green branch and in Batch Centre , 34 College Green until her transfer to James ' Street in November 1987 .
16 On March 12 Finance Minister Theo Waigel presented a revised 1991 draft budget to the Bundestag ( lower house of parliament ) , replacing a draft budget presented on Nov. 14 , 1990 , before the Dec. 2 all-German elections [ see pp. 37904-05 ; for budget introduced in August 1990 and subsequently withdrawn see p. 37660 ] .
17 The Sludge Disposal Vessel ‘ Gardyloo ’ built to operate from the new facility was in fact completed in August 1876 and immediately chartered for work on the Clyde while awaiting completion of the Seafield Works .
18 The poet James Fenton , who was stringing for The Washington Post and who must have cut an unlikely figure riding into Saigon on a victorious Viet Cong tank ( described in The Fall of Saigon , first published in Granta 15 and then included in All the Wrong Places ) , wrote a savage review of the book in the New Statesman describing Herr as a ‘ shooter ’ , rather than a reporter for Esquire .
19 Thus were removed the last measures remaining of the state of emergency first imposed in June 1986 and partially lifted in June 1990 [ see pp. 34663 ; 37522 ] .
20 A group of around 400 to 600 FPR fighters , remnants of the larger force which had launched the October invasion , crossed the border on Jan. 23 and briefly occupied the district town of Ruhengeri , in the north-west of Rwanda .
21 The country 's supreme policy-making body , the national executive committee ( NEC ) of the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi ( CCM — Party of the Revolution ) , met on Jan. 17-21 and unanimously accepted a proposal to end 27 years of one-party rule .
22 An estimated 3,000 delegates from one faction claiming to represent the opposition Forum for the Restoration of Democracy ( FORD ) gathered in Nairobi on Sept. 4 and unanimously elected Jaramogi Oginga Odinga as FORD chairman and designated him the party 's presidential candidate .
23 A 49-member congressional committee began examining the request on Sept. 9 and subsequently authorized the impeachment vote after studying the findings of the report of the Special Commission of Inquiry ( CPI ) .
24 The bill was signed by Bush on Sept. 23 and then approved by the courts to allow Morgan 's release .
25 The removal of 10,000 troops and some 1,000 tanks from East Germany , begun on May 11 and reportedly completed in mid-August , had heralded the East European withdrawals .
26 The JNA moved in with tanks and sealed off Borovo Selo on May 3 and also occupied villages near Knin , the main town in the " Autonomous Region " .
27 The death penalty , upheld after an appeal to the Supreme Court on Feb. 16 and subsequently confirmed by the Council of State chaired by President Fidel Castro , had been passed on Feb. 5 by the Havana Popular Provincial Court .
28 Reynolds was elected Prime Minister by 84 votes to 78 in the Dáil on Feb. 11 and immediately announced a new Cabinet , replacing eight of Haughey 's 14 ministers .
29 A United States journalist working for the Tampa Tribune , Todd Smith , was kidnapped in the Upper Huallaga valley on Nov. 17 and subsequently found beaten and murdered in Uchiza , accused of being a US spy .
30 The national conference , having met on Nov. 15 and immediately adjourned following the resignation of Mutambaye as chairman , met again on Nov. 20 , only to be adjourned again by the acting chairman , Prime Minister Diaka .
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