Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Support for Scott again came from the Northampton Architectural Society .
2 There is a lovely panorama of the bay as the road climbs beyond , the curve of the golden sands , the open expanse of sea and the massive bulk of Ben More Coigach in the background combining in a picture of surpassing beauty .
3 This was considered to have been a miracle , and the statue of Our Lady of Monte now stands in the centre of the high altar of the church in Monte .
4 St Teresa of Avila also spoke of the obscure type of revelation , which both Julian and Muhammad described as ‘ spiritual visions ’ :
5 The great spate of English translations of Paracelsus also belonged to the 1650s , confirming that the peak of his influence in England connected with what is arguably the unsurpassed golden age of British science and medicine , coinciding with the formative years of such figures as Boyle , Sydenham , and Willis , all of whom were affected by paracelsian influences .
6 And yet , as she floated in a dream-like state , she felt no alarm when she slowly became aware that she was not alone , almost telepathically sensing his presence , even before the dark , sleek head of Ross quietly surfaced in the water beside her , barely disturbing the total peace and silence of their surroundings .
7 The Anglo-Catholic movement in the Church of England certainly sprang from the activities of Newman and his friends .
8 The new manufacturing towns were growing around collections of villages in the north of England far removed from the privileges of the chartered municipal corporations .
9 The US Federal Reserve , the Bank of Japan and the Bank of England all stepped into the markets to defend the pound .
10 but Vietnam joined Laos to torpedo Malaysia 's attempts to have the conference renew the endorsement of ZOPFAN previously made at the Algiers Summit Conference .
11 Sixty per cent of the people of Brazil now live below the poverty line defined by the UN .
12 The Anglo-Dutch fleet pursued the beaten French as they withdrew and the Battle of Barfleur now merged with the Battle of La Hogue [ or La Hougue ] by which name both are sometimes known .
13 The disintegration of the USSR caused so many new problems in the food and financial spheres that the economy of Russia soon teetered on the edge of catastrophe .
14 Repeated many times over , the words of Luhnenschloss finally came to the notice of the RSPCA last year and were used as part of further discussions it was on the point of entering into with the Jockey Club in the hope of further reform .
15 Chettle looking for Rozario and finds him and it goes towards Collimore just cleared in the nick of time by Whitlow .
16 Criticism of Israel also grew in the US Congress .
17 She was beyond coping with it ; she had no intention of living there ; she had moved , instead , to an early eighteenth-century townhouse in the Faubourg Saint-Germain , a quarter of Paris still preferred by the pre-Napoleonic French aristocracy .
18 Meanwhile , insider sources suggest that Hazelwood is meeting with long-time friend Bob Dylan , to discuss the possibility of Dylan also contributing to the new Mary Chain LP .
19 In 1988 , offered the honour of taking part in the Lord Mayor of London 's Show and carrying the Burgh Standard , the town of Langholm proudly declined on the grounds that the cherished flag was never displayed other than on Common Riding Day and never left the town , and that ‘ It would be demeaning for the Principals to take part in a ‘ fancy dress ’ parade' .
20 The bath qol was an inferior substitute for the Word of God formerly given by the Spirit to a prophet .
21 The famous ‘ spider woman ’ of Erddig duly appears on the cover of The Servants ' Hall , but most of the accounts are of the menservants .
22 Careful collaboration between the Shamir-Arens camp and supporters of Sharon also resulted in the defeat of almost all of Levi 's supporters .
23 The all important hip-consciousness of Manchester wholeheartedly jerked to the harsh snap of the Linn Drum .
24 As well as the doubling of chlorophyll in the central North Pacific gyre between 1965 and 1985 ( ref. 4 ) mentioned by Falkowski and Wilson , zooplankton biomass in the Gulf of Alaska also doubled between the 1950s and 1980s ( ref. 5 ) .
25 Because the salmon live in the icy waters of Alaska then migrate to the Pacific , where they live a wild and natural existence , many valuable nutrients are retained in the canning process to produce the perfect ingredient to include in a weight-reducing diet .
26 In 1952 Durham University had two campuses , one in the ancient cathedral city of Durham nearly encircled by the River Wear and the other twelve miles away in the industrial city of Newcastle on the River Tyne .
27 Our client had it in telephone conversation with the bank on ninth of September only proceeded with the proposed purchase on the express understanding that Frinton property was not to be included particularly as his father 's companion a Mrs eighty years of age , was residing in the property and owned a half share of it .
28 Blinking politely at the assembled masses hanging on his every syllable , the poodle-headed astronomer and Friend Of Freddie swiftly got to the point of his keynote address to the CMJ Music Marathon .
29 We shall not rest until the government of Britain fully belongs to the citizens it is there to serve .
30 President Franois Mitterrand of France yesterday called for the deportation of illegal immigrants and for sanctions against their employers , but said he believed guest workers should have voting rights .
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