Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [be] [prep] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All the paintings were purchased through Christie 's at some point in their early history .
2 Well I think it 's been open to any higher education institution to grab this idea because it 's been around for a long time , the great beauty of Napier is to some degree it 's a centre of excellence it 's got its B A course so has Queen Margaret but at the bottom end but why should I say the bottom end at the bottom end it 's got the B A communications course at the top end it 's got apprentice training for printers .
3 Salmon , who was an intimate friend of Picasso 's at this time , described a few years later his restless state of mind : ‘ Picasso was unsettled .
4 The Spanish writer Gomez de la Serna , a friend of Picasso 's at this time and an habitué of the Bateau Lavoir during his visits to Paris , recalls that Picasso 's walls there were decorated with reproductions of El Grecos .
5 I think most of England are on this adventure with me and a lot of Europeans , ’ said Mansell .
6 The limitations of QACs are of less significance when they are compounded with other products with which they can exert a synergistic effect .
7 The 1883 eruption of Krakatoa was of this kind , although the four explosions that took place at its climax were so stupendous that a separate type of eruption , the Krakatoan , is sometimes referred to .
8 The tower of Babel was in all likelihood a multi-storeyed temple-tower , or ziggurat , similar to those developed in Babylonia in the early 3rd millennium BC .
9 The University itself issued just a simple statement , mentioning that he was an amiable student , who divided his spare time between playing rugby and the saxophone — a passion of Clinton 's to this day .
10 I consider that Bingham L.J . 's rationalisation of the failure of Morris to disapprove of Lawrence is of some significance .
11 The deaf of Glasgow were at that time extremely fortunate to have in William Agnew a most intelligent and capable man , an artist in his leisure time , who through his hobby had come into contact with Queen Victoria and who enjoyed a friendship with Lord and Lady Blythswood ( Glasgow Deaf and Dumb F.C .
12 Mr. W. E. Gladstone was Prime Minister from 1880 to 1885 but then that post alternated between the Marquess of Salisbury and Mr. Gladstone until the turn of the century , with a short interlude in 1894–1895 when the Earl of Rosebery was in that office .
13 every edge of G– is above some edge of G ; and
14 Even so , they listened , and their disapproval of Wolf was in any case balanced by the enthusiasm of von Humboldt , the brothers Schlegel and , for a time , Goethe too , who " drank to his health " in 1796 in celebration of the study of Homer , corresponded with him , and attended his lectures .
15 The main discussion concerned the position at left wing where Pierre Hontas of Biarritz was under some pressure after mediocre performances .
16 The defeat for Boro was of little significance and in the end the first division experience of several of the Danes had a telling effect .
17 All my staffing costs for Smallwood are in that budget , and therefore I can promise Chair , that it would be extremely well examined .
18 The FISA president said the sanction against Mansell was for this breach of security rules and had nothing to do with his failure to stop after a black flag was waved at him three times .
19 Kiernan reports suggestions that Lermontov 's own death ( like Pushkin 's in another duel a few months before ) may have been murder , a murder planned by court reactionaries .
20 It is clear some workers and ex-workers who do develop cancer will question whether their work with SSEB/SNL was in any way responsible .
21 However , only about twenty per cent of residential homes in Flanders are of this type ( Hellinckx and Munter , 1990 ) .
22 Less than half of the teachers in secondary schools in Solihull are in any degree familiar with their authority 's booklet for SSE and only one-tenth claim to know it well .
23 All the Leapors in Brackley are in this area .
24 The even more rapid decline in the two-party vote in Britain is to some extent compensated for by the increased vote for the smaller parties since the 1970s , but in the United States the proportion of the electorate mobilized by the parties is almost certainly even smaller because of the growing number of single-issue pressure groups in recent years .
25 I made my way to this celebrated establishment , and was very surprised to find an open salon ; we in Britain were at that time still cowering modestly in cubicles .
26 In the case of the latter , many peripheral areas within Europe are to some extent sustained economically by public procurements placed to industries within those regions .
27 In this even more marginal world of cross-cultural perception and social contrast , the statistical truths I was consistently having to produce for local politicians , senior officers , the press , and the public in Newcastle were of little value , especially when discussion on the structures surrounding approval or illegality of some drug use was a matter which might encompass problems of economic , geographical , cultural , or even religious boundaries , or more likely the changing political whim or opportunity of the moment .
28 In April 1992 the IRA bomb in St Mary Axe which destroyed the Baltic Exchange and caused about £300m damage led to the preparation of contingency plans as a result of which the consequences of this April 's bomb in Bishopsgate were to some extent mitigated .
29 But ‘ old attitudes die hard , ’ and nobody I have spoken to from Tanzania is under any illusion that the changes in content which have been undertaken in curriculum plans and examination policies necessarily reflect a change of heart among all teachers or parents .
30 Raybestos officials deny that the move to Ireland was in any way connected with the difficulties faced by producers of asbestos products in the US .
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