Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [conj] [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 There was no room for Haydn or Hume in the eighteenth century , for Verdi or even Dostoevsky in the nineteenth .
2 In 1874 the Bishop of Beverley adopted it as a public institution and the Bishops of England passed a resolution to recognise St. John 's Institution as a Catholic Institution for England and to assist in the cost of its foundation .
3 He was responsible for the exploitation of the mineral rights of the Crown — for example , for finding , mining and smelting iron in the forest of Chippenham and in the Forest of Dean and lead in the Forest of the Peak .
4 Under the patronage of Alfonso X ( el Sabio , ‘ the wise ’ ) of Castile a set of improved astronomical tables , known as the ‘ Alfonsine Tables ’ , was compiled by Rabbi Isaac ben Sid of Toledo and published in the Libros del saber de astronomica in 1277 .
5 V. iv , death of Richard as performed in a private theatre , PP 49 .
6 Instead Athelstan looked across the river at the ships plying along the quays of Billingsgate and Queenshithe in a scene of frenetic activity .
7 The RBG film ‘ The Capital Garden ’ , sponsored by the Bank of Scotland and made in the 1970's , is in an unusable format ( 16mm ) , and badly in need of replacement .
8 Their only rule of religious , moral and social life was the Law of Moses as found in the first five books of the Old Testament ( called the Pentateuch or the Torah ) .
9 Many young Germans , with that strong national instinct for cameraderie , regarded their periods of recuperation at rest camps , set amid the glorious woods and hills of Alsace and spent in the company of those with whom they had shared the common experience of Verdun , as among the more idyllic moments of the war .
10 His remarks followed increasing speculation about Turkish territorial claims on the oil-rich Iraqi provinces of Mosul and Kirkuk in the event of any post-war redrawing of Iraqi borders .
11 He 'd been posted to the Far East in the 1930 's and as a police office , he was captured at the fall of Singapore and imprisoned in the Japanese death camps .
12 I recalled that in the New Testament , in the life of Jesus as written in the first four books , there were many psychic happenings .
13 Studies of the countships of Paris and Autun in the eighth and ninth centuries show that if a count had no son ( or no adult son ) , a brother or nephew or cousin would often succeed .
14 Furthermore , as Henry VIII had relied on the authority of scripture to justify his annulment , it was difficult for him to resist pressure for the translation of the Bible into English , or demands that doctrine and liturgy should conform to the word of God as revealed in the scriptures .
15 Although only fragments remain , Dunseverick manages not to be outdone in the legend stakes ; Conal Caernach who lived here is said to have witnessed the crucifixion of Christ while serving in the Roman army .
16 The conquest of Jerusalem as shown in the fifteenth-century Chroniques de Charlemagne .
17 Nearer to the Buid , Morris has described the Melanau of Borneo as living in a ‘ highly diversified social environment in which many cultural and linguistic groups are interspersed with and closely related to one another ’ ( 1967 : 216 ) .
18 France 's possessions overseas are regarded as integral part of France and participate in the political system of metropolitan France .
19 Rinuccini 's next favola for music , a Euridice with a happy ending , was composed by Peri ( but included some pieces by Caccini which are duly acknowledged in the preface ) for the wedding of Maria de' Medici to Henry IV of France and performed in the Pitti Palace on 6 October 1600 .
20 The man in the hood raced past Stuart and climbed in the open car door .
21 Example B : A single postgraduate student , not from a hot country , should allow approximately £4,600 in living costs for a nine-month study period at the University of Edinburgh if accommodated in the private sector .
22 In September 1953 Curran became the BBC 's first internally selected administrative trainee , visiting or working for a time in different departments of the BBC in and out of London and assisting in the preparation of the BBC 's first personnel manual .
23 Porcelains , stonewares , and books eventually provided the contents of the Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art which in 1952 was attached as his exclusive benefaction to the School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London and housed in a building , also his gift , at Gordon Square , Bloomsbury .
24 Now , however , the time had come to part and Miss Howard was created Countess of Beauregard and established in a desirable residence in the country .
25 He set a course for Omsk and cut in the automatic pilot , settling back to cope with the chain of niggling worries that his blunder had triggered off .
26 Direct UN activity in Korea began with the establishment of UNTCOK under the terms of the resolution proposed by the United States in October 1947 : UNTCOK was to observe the holding and conduct of elections throughout Korea and to advise in the establishment of a unified , independent Korea .
27 Figures published by Fortune , for the calendar year 1987 , show Spencer Stuart 's recruiting fees worldwide as over $56m. ; they are marginally behind Heidrick and Struggles in the USA with $26.2m .
28 This is clear in their best songs like Christine and Love In A Car .
29 — The Sinai covenant established with Moses and summarized in the " book of the covenant " ( Exodus 24:7 ) .
30 In the evening we drove into Chamonix and parked in the main street .
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