Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [noun] be on [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The member for Worcester City was on this occasion one of the dozen or so gentlemen who , after most late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century general elections , as a sort of ritual but somewhat haphazard sacrifice to virtue made by an easy-going society , were unseated on petition for allegedly corrupt electoral practices .
2 St Matthew , Chapter I , gives the only plain account of how this was achieved : 18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise : When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph , before they came together , she was found with child of the Holy Ghost .
3 Eighty per cent of Halifax borrowers are on such ‘ budget ’ schemes .
4 The entire workforce at Owen Mumford in Chipping Norton is on short time working .
5 Security forces in Northern Ireland are on full alert ahead of Loyalist celebrations of the twelfth of July .
6 Security forces in Northern Ireland are on full alert ahead of the twelfth of July Loyalist celebrations .
7 The R S P C A at Hyson Green are on seven eight four nine six five .
8 ‘ How much longer must we tolerate articles such as John Cole 's on mass starvation ? ’ asks Julie Boston , of Bristol .
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