Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [noun] [noun] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 Italtel SpA is to install around 400,000 lines for Telecom Argentina SA over the next three years in a deal worth $600m : it says it will install the first 58,000 lines this year and the rest of them by 1996
2 The House may be interested to know that , because we were seeking to look at the effect of NHS management reforms over the first six months , we did not draw attention to the fact that the number of people who have been waiting for more than one year on in-patient lists is 37 per cent .
3 And there is Gregory 's account of Guntram warning Childebert over the behaviour of Egidius , which is placed immediately before his description of the last days of Gundovald .
4 Whitby Town Council is to meet representatives of Tees bus company over the withdrawal of the service to the port 's St Andrew 's Road area .
5 The Times Higher Education Supplement has carried out a number of peer reviews of UK University Departments over the years .
6 In the Jersey Royal Court Decision of May 1990 Rahman v Chase Bank ( CI ) Ltd , the settlor was given a substantial amount of de iure control over the trust funds .
7 Mr Davies has been at loggerheads with Hambleton District Council over the future use of his hotel in Darlington Road .
8 The EC representative Robert Walker , who had arrived in Mogadishu in August to oversee the distribution by relief agencies of European emergency aid worth US$23,000,000 , was in late October liaising with President Mahdi Mohammed over the government 's own plans for emergency aid .
9 But negotiations are to continue with Colwyn Bay about renting their Llanelian Road ground next season and with Rhyl Town Council over an alternative site in the town .
10 Talks are taking place with Merseyside Development Corporation over the reconstruction of New Brighton pier .
11 Miss Joan Collins , the authoress , is said to have ‘ fallen out ’ with Ms Elizabeth Taylor over the latter 's intention to introduce her husband , Mr Laurence Fortensky , the construction worker , to Miss Collins 's 32-year-old inamoratum , Mr Robin Hurlstone .
12 The event brought together many members of the Wills family with friends from the wide range of organisations which have benefited from Wills family generosity over the decades .
13 THERE has been a considerable outcry from St Helens supporters over the eight-match ban imposed on the club 's Kiwi loose forward Shane Cooper two weeks ago .
14 ABOVE : Andy Gray in competitive action against Huddersfield ( 4–0 ) during Palace 's 4th round FA Cup success over The Terriers in January 1990 .
15 There was no road at that time , and so her coffin was carried from Santo da Serra over the rough mountain tracks to Boaventura .
16 For one thing Mr Lobe is a sculptor and his trees , seemingly hammered in sheet metal directly from nature ( often along with alarmingly big chunks of the surrounding landscape ) have hovered abidingly in New York galleries over the years .
17 Ballochmyle viaduct , which carries the Kilmarnock to Dumfries railway line over the River Ayr , south of Mauchline , is in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest railway bridge in Britain .
18 The route takes an impressive line on the over-handing lower section of the East Buttress and is a worthy addition to Berzins ' growing collection of hard routes on Lakeland mountain crags over the past 18 months .
19 Ask many who have known him for years , and they will say that he looks most comfortable at his annual visit to the Renaissance Weekend at Hilton Head Island over the New Year holiday .
20 Here 's some advance warning of what 's happening at this year 's London Music Show , to be held at Wembley Conference Centre over the weekend of 28th and 29th November .
21 Chief Insp Malcolm Fordy of Barnard Castle police said video cameras were recording all the time at Barnard Castle Bridge over the River Tees .
22 Members of the housing committee of the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities were told of a complaint by Tweeddale District Council over a request by a tenant , who was exercising his right-to-buy for the first time , that his fiancee be included as a joint purchaser .
23 BANK chiefs are to be hauled over the coals by Chancellor Norman Lamont over the way they treat small businesses .
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