Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] [prep] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 S/he is a strange and disturbing figure still , though now for different reasons from in the Renaissance .
2 You know what I mean : people expect you to talk about dark strangers from over the water and golden fortunes coming their way .
3 The universities are not formally sub-divided , but informal groupings based on origin and type distinguish between Oxbridge ( Oxford and Cambridge ) , the large federal university of London founded in the early nineteenth century , the larger ‘ civic ’ universities established later in the nineteenth century in provincial cities ( e.g. Manchester , Birmingham , Leeds , Bristol ) , the smaller civics such as Exeter , Hull or Leicester , the ‘ new ’ universities founded ab initio in the 1960s , such as Lancaster , Essex and Sussex , the ‘ ex-CATS ’ such as Aston , Salford and Bradford , which were upgraded from Colleges of Advanced Technology at around the same time , and the Scottish , Welsh and two Northern Irish universities .
4 His climbing record lists a multiplicity of outstanding ascents from around the world .
5 Quickly he went down the ladder , crossed the kitchen and snatched up the top one of a pile of washed sacks from behind the kitchen door .
6 An inquiry was held into two incidents of possible interference at about the three furlong marker .
7 Toby saw him take up the pile of wet flannel from beside the bath and chuck it at his face .
8 Outside , a million splinters of light stream by in the Parisian murk .
9 Yes I suppose it 's true that for somebody like me I 've been involved in quite a lot of different groups over over the years and the quarry men 's support group is it 's difficult to put in words really er exactly how it 's erm you know I think it 's very easy f for groups to become sort of s set really and er well I 've always wanted it to involve everybody and I think it does that in a way it sort of er it 's quite special to all of us in in a funny sort of way it 's er you know we feel quite committed .
10 The failure was to end Mosley 's effective attempt to change the policies of British government from within the parliamentary party spectrum .
11 Half of them think Riven is some sort of magical warrior from across the southern sea .
12 There was a bang , and a flutter of suppressed laughter from along the corridor .
13 However , he makes the point that the faithfulness of a church can not be determined on its actual growth , because that is determined by a range of contextual factors outside of the control of the congregation .
14 Italy has abandoned a landfill levy a week after its introduction , against a background of widespread opposition from across the board .
15 We take the best of natural resources from around the world .
16 Five-year-old Nikole Cunningham from Forthriver Link is one of thousands of little girls from throughout the UK vying for the title of Miss Pears 1993 .
17 The board was reconstituted with a majority of key employers from within the industry , its operations and financial systems have been restructured and a strategic plan has been produced which sets out clear objectives against which the success of the board 's actions can be judged .
18 The shift in balance in the style of operation embodied in the anti-apprenticeship campaign was revealed in the gathering of a conference of antislavery delegates from around the country in London in November 1837 and their appointment of a Central Negro Emancipation Committee drawn from activists able to be permanently or frequently in London .
19 Whether the 1.2 per cent of GNP ceiling can be preserved after 1992 depends upon the containment of agricultural expenditure , limiting the ability of the EC to adopt new expenditure provisions , and limiting the growth and development of existing policies to within the growth of Community GNP .
20 For the most part , from the reign of Valentinian I through to the early fifth century , the Burgundians were among the most loyal federates of the Empire , and they were proud of their connections with the Romans .
21 Lots of good times with with the church and the Sunday School .
22 The plot goes something like this : Bowser ( an evil character ) has captured Mario and has got his evil Koopas ( looking just a bit like the Teenage Mutant Nija Turtles ) to steal parts of famous monuments from around the world .
23 The off-licence was empty except for two drop-outs buying canned beer : the proprietor contrived to address Scarlet and Constance without once taking his eyes off his other customers , not even as he wrapped a bottle of Smirnoff and extracted six cans of Long Life from under the glass counter .
24 THE WORLD debut of three British cars , and the first British showing of important models from around the world , should help to ensure that the London Motorfair , which opens on Thursday , is the most interesting and significant for years .
25 The University acts as a magnet not only for a wide range of able students from across the UK , but world-wide .
26 She contests the view that these practices are ‘ either degrading to women , in the case of drag and cross-dressing , or an uncritical appropriation of sex-role stereotyping from within the practice of heterosexuality , especially in the case of butch/femme lesbian identities ’ ( p. 137 ) .
27 S.K. Runcorn and his associates , working in Britain , conducted an intensive programme of data collection involving the measurement of remanent magnetism in rocks of various ages from around the world .
28 Goldthorpe argues that in the British case the effects have been strikingly asymmetrical : the expanding upper occupational strata show a low ‘ demographic homogeneity ’ ( i.e. a low proportion of members whose fathers were members of the same stratum or class ) , while the manual wage-earning classes , dwindling in size , show a very high level of demographic homogeneity : there has been little pressure for recruitment of manual workers from beyond the ranks of existing manual workers ' families .
29 The cinema debate screened on Channel 4 between four film-makers from countries not usually represented on the screen ( India , the Philippines , Lebanon , and Brazil ) , which took place under the auspices of Women Call the Shots , was perhaps especially effective in this way , not only because it called attention to the existence of cinematic traditions outside of the ones we usually view , discuss , and study , but also because the four women film-makers involved in the debate took up such diverse positions .
30 Just place as many tiers as you need over a pan of simmering water of in the wok , and bingo !
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