Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] [noun] from [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In order to answer a demand for serious power levels from ever smaller systems , Ampeg recently introduced the B-1 bass combo .
2 The main work is the completion of detailed maternity histories from about 100 women .
3 This has been observed in a large number of deep sea cores from both high and low latitudes , though one is tempted to ask how many other species did not become extinct during this period .
4 It has planned an exciting programme of activities for its first ever BAYSDAY which it hopes will be attended by young people of secondary school age from all over the country .
5 We also , in the Broadcasting Act , brought in sanctions against the transmission of offensive satellite broadcasts from abroad , and made it an offence for advertisers and equipment suppliers to support such programmes .
6 Total Heating packages with Central Control start from around £1500 for a well-insulated 2-bedroomed flat .
7 We were still out in empty space miles from anywhere .
8 In actual fact requests from overseas are dealt with in one of four regional committees and those from with Christian Aid are dealt with in the Budget Committee .
9 In such a situation of role confusion and role strains a person at the end of the line is not disposed to react to new policy initiatives from above as if he or she were a mere functionary .
10 The Moorings ' holidays offered through Caribbean Connection range from fully crewed charter to combined hotel and sailing holidays where you stay at an hotel on Tortola or St Lucia , either learning to sail or combining the pleasures of a beach holiday with sailing .
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