Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] and many [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then to follow , superb seafood — especially swordfish and tuna along the coast , a wide use of fresh vegetables and many dishes flavoured with hot red peppers .
2 The group and the men associated with it were honoured with two unit citations , a thousand of individual medals and many decorations from allied countries .
3 Although her poetry often speaks of ill health and many times looks forward to the poet 's early death , she died of measles , a sudden illness which she was too weak to withstand .
4 But he acted as if he remembered the phrase that Dean Acheson used in the spring of 1947 , in those days of little sleep and many martinis when Acheson , George Marshall and Harry Truman had to convince a sceptical Congress to back containment .
5 Shouting rude jokes , they dumped him in beside her , drank a toast of long life and many babes to the happy pair , blew out the candle and reeled out to continue their feasting in the hall .
6 Experiments with animals are not a feature of homoeopathic research and many people feel that it is ethical to carry out such studies only if the animals are to benefit , as in veterinary medicine .
7 Next year is the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Union of Catholic Mothers and many events are now being planned , both at National and Diocesan level , including a pilgrimage to Lourdes .
8 Kitson was a man of wide interests and many activities outside his industrial work .
9 In the winter months , for example , many building workers find themselves without work because of bad weather and many workers in the tourism industry are also laid off .
10 As well as supplying cricket clubs 3D have supplied pitches for a number of local authorities and many country grounds , while Lilleshall — where England went through their paces before flying off to New Zealand — have had practice pitches installed .
11 No-one is quite sure of the origin of the PHANTOM , who is female and thought to be quite overweight with flabby arms and many double-chins .
12 Prunus mume Pendula stands beside Cornus kousa above clipped azaleas and many varieties of pieris , daphnes and tree paeonies .
13 This very ugly fish , rather like an eel but with large head and many teeth , is versatile and tasty and can be cooked in many different ways .
14 While his brothers lived in comfort with beautiful clothes and many slaves , Hocazade was kept on an allowance of a mere one akce a day .
15 The house was big and old , with big windows and many doors .
16 There was to be a Consumer Credit Commissioner with wide powers and many responsibilities , including administration of a comprehensive licensing system .
17 ( Dennis and Clout 1980 , p. 153 ) , even if there remains a strong private rental sector in rural areas and many owner-occupiers are already ‘ well-to-do ’ .
18 They argue that industrialized societies are characterized by a plurality of cultural goals and these vary systematically among individuals in different strata and many individuals in the lower strata have limited and realistic ambitions .
19 It seems very doubtful whether the required amount of water ever falls in present conditions and many authorities have attributed such erosion to a wetter period during the Pleistocene .
20 In the great majority of cases this teaching would be communicated orally , for Gospels were in short supply and many converts were illiterate .
21 India has at least 20 languages in common use and many others are widely spoken .
22 Thankfully the restorers have been in a position to obtain help from local industry and many items came cheaper than they had originally anticipated .
23 Songs are set in everyday situations and many listeners appreciate the gritty realism , although others consider the earthiness intolerably shallow .
24 The Mineral Intelligence Programme is largely funded by the Department of Trade and Industry to provide it with information and authoritative advice on economic minerals and many aspects of the minerals industry .
25 In Scotland , unlike England , rates were charged on empty buildings and many owners simply took the roof off to avoid the levy .
26 Many young people have more than one admission to residential care and many moves between settings ( Millham et al. ,
27 Together with Germany in the 1930s , Russia since 1917 has had the most penetrating system of political propaganda , but it was severely hampered at first by inefficient technical means for dissemination over vast spaces and many minority nationalities .
28 They spent a night being monitored by infra-red cameras and many hours submitting to psychotherapy .
29 It is surrounded by beautiful gardens and many fruit trees and is set 500 metres from the sea and just over a mile down hill from Taormina .
30 Though it used to be thought that internationalism was the preserve of the large , private corporation , today they have been joined by small firms and many state enterprises .
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